Showing 91 to 100 of 104 Search Results:
Effect of fluoride exposure on synaptic structure of brain areas related to learning-memory in mice. (FAN Translation)
Zhang Z, Xu X, Shen X, Xu X.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Language: Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Journal of Hygiene Research, July 1999;28(4):210-2.
Publish Date: April-June 2008
Volume/Page: 41(2):139–143.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Hippocampus
Subchronic fluoride intake induces impairment in habituation and active avoidance tasks in rats.
Chioca LR, Raupp IM, Da Cunha C, Losso EM, Andreatini R.
Journal Name: European Journal of Pharmacology
Publish Date: January 2008
Volume/Page: 579(1-3):196-201.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function
Memory impairment induced by chronic sodium fluoride intake.
Andreatini R, Chioca LR, Rauppp IM, Da Cunha, Losso EM.
Journal Name: European Neuropsychopharmacology
Publish Date: October 2007
Volume/Page: 17(4):S247.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Cognitive Function
Neurofunctional effects of developmental sodium fluoride exposure in rats.
Bera I, Sabatini R, Auteri P, Flace P, Sisto G, Montagnani M, Potenza MA, Marasciulo FL, Carratu MR, Coluccia A, Borracci P, Tarullo A, Cagiano R.
Journal Name: European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
Publish Date: July-August 2007
Volume/Page: 11(4):211-24.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Cognitive Function, Heart, Blood Pressure, Reproductive Toxicity, Animal offspring, Pregnant animal
Effects of high fluoride and arsenic on brain biochemical indexes and learning-memory in rats
Wu C, Gu X, Ge Y, Zhang J, Wang J.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: October-December 2006
Volume/Page: 39(2):274-79.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Arsenic, Cholinesterase, Oxidative Stress
Effect of different doses of chronic exposure of fluoride on rat learning and memory behavior (FAN Translation)
Wang G, Li J, Zhu H, Zhu J.
Journal Name: Studies of Trace Elements and Health
Language: Chinese (with FAN translation of Chinese summary)
Publish Date: 2006
Volume/Page: 23(2):1-2.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Cognitive Function
[Effects of high fluoride and low Iodine on learning-memory and TchE of brain in offspring rats].
Hong JH, Ge YM, Ning HM.
Journal Name: China Preventive Medicine
Language: Chinese (with English summary)
Publish Date: 2005
Volume/Page: (6):489-91.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Nutritional Status, Cholinesterase, Iodine, Animal offspring
Effects of high fluoride and low iodine on biochemical indexes of the brain and learning-memory of offspring rats
Wang J, Ge Y, Ning H, Wang S.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: October-December 2004.
Volume/Page: 37(4):264–270.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Iodine, Animal offspring
[Effect of iodine and selenium on learning memory impairment induced by fluorosis and blood biochemical criterion of rats].
Shen X, Zhang Z, Xu X.
Journal Name: Occupation and Health
Language: Chinese (with English summary)
Publish Date: January 2004
Volume/Page: 20(1):6-8.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Blood, Brain, Cognitive Function, Iodine, Nutritional Status, Selenium
Neurotoxicity of fluoride: neurodegeneration in hippocampus of female mice
Bhatnagar M, Rao P, Sushma J, Bhatnagar R.
Journal Name: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Publish Date: May 2002
Volume/Page: 40(5):546-54.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Hippocampus, *NTP2019, Neurotoxicity