Showing 141 to 150 of 150 Search Results:
Study of children drinking fluoridated and nonfluoridated water
Schlesinger ER, Overton DE, Chase HC.
Journal Name: Journal of the American Medical Association
Publish Date: January 7, 1958
Volume/Page: 160(1):21-24.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity
The effect of 0.05 percent dietary sodium fluoride on the rat kidney
Pindborg JJ.
Journal Name: Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica
Publish Date: 1957
Volume/Page: 13(1):36-45.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity
Effect of sodium fluoride administration on body changes in old rats
McCay CM, Ramseyer WF, Smith CA.
Journal Name: Journal of Gerontology
Publish Date: January 1957
Volume/Page: 12(1):14-9.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Susceptible Populations, Age
Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study. XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years
Schlesinger ER, Overton DE, Chase HC, Cantwell KT.
Journal Name: Journal of the American Dental Association
Publish Date: March 1956
Volume/Page: 52(3):296-306.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Blood, Bones/Joints, Bone Density, Immune System, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Puberty
Medical aspects of excessive fluoride in a water supply
Leone NC, Shimkin MB, Arnold FA, Stevenson CA, Zimmerman ER, Geiser PB, Lieberman JE.
Journal Name: Public Health Reports
Publish Date: October 1954
Volume/Page: 69(10):925-36.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Bones/Joints, Arthritis, Bone Density, Bone Mineralization/Quality, Skeletal Fluorosis, Cancer, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney, Kidney Stones, Nephrotoxicity, Thyroid Gland, Eyes
Histologic findings in the kidney, liver, pancreas, adrenal, and thyroid glands of the rat following sodium fluoride administration
Ogilvie AL.
Journal Name: Journal of Dental Research
Publish Date: June 1953
Volume/Page: 32(3):386-97.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Liver, Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Cellular/Tissue Effects, Adrenal glands
Pathological changes in the tissues of rats (albino) and monkeys (macaca radiata) in fluorine toxicosis
Wadhwani TK, Ramaswamy AS.
Journal Name: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
Publish Date: 1953
Volume/Page: 35(3):223-30.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Heart, Arteriosclerosis, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Parathyroid Gland, Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Cellular/Tissue Effects, Glucose, Insulin, Pancreas, Cerebral cortex, Spleen
Kidney function and structure in chronic fluorosis
Bond AM, Murray MM.
Journal Name: British Journal of Experimental Pathology
Publish Date: April 1952
Volume/Page: 33(2): 168–176.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity
Fluoride osteosclerosis from drinking water
Linsman JF, McMurray CA.
Journal Name: Radiology
Publish Date: May 1943
Volume/Page: 40: 474-484.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Blood, Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Risks to Kidney Patients, Anemia
Endemic fluorosis in the Madras presidency
Shortt HE, McRobert GR, Barnard TW.
Journal Name: Indian Journal of Medical Research
Publish Date: 1937
Volume/Page: 25(2):553-568.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Radiographic Appearance, Spinal Cord Compression, Endemic fluorosis areas