Showing 11 to 20 of 50 Search Results:
Reproductive and developmental toxicity of degradation products of refrigerants in experimental animals
Ema M, Naya M, Yoshida K, Nagaosa R.
Journal Name: Reproductive Toxicology
Publish Date: January 2010
Volume/Page: 29(1):1-9.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Lung, Animal offspring, Pregnant animal
[Femoral bone morphogenesis in human fetuses in the area of environmental fluoride pollution].
Shalina TI, Vasil'eva LS.
Journal Name: Morfologiia
Language: Russian (with English summary)
Publish Date: 2010
Volume/Page: 137(1):54-7.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology
Relationship between municipal water fluoridation and preterm birth in Upstate New York
Hart R, Feelemyer J, Gray C, Lodise T, Patel N, Wymer S, McNutt LA.
Journal Name: Abstract presented at American Public Health Association
Publish Date: November 7-9, 2009
Volume/Page: n/a
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Pre-term/Low Weight Births, Reproductive Toxicity, Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity
Effects of fluorine on the human fetus. (FAN Translation)
He H, Cheng Z, Liu W.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Language: Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the permission of the Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 1989;4(3):136-8.
Publish Date: October-December 2008
Volume/Page: 41(4):321–326.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Fetal Brain, Nephrotoxicity, *NTP2019, Cerebral cortex
The effect of fluorine on the developing human brain. (FAN Translation)
Du L, Wan C, Cao X, Liu J.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Language: Translated by Shan Ying courtesy of the Fluoride Action Network and published with the permission of the Chinese Journal of Pathology 1992;21(4):218-20.
Publish Date: October-December 2008
Volume/Page: 41(4):327–330.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Fetal Brain, *NTP2019, Purkinje cells
Neurotransmitter and receptor changes in the brains of fetuses from areas of endemic fluorosis. (FAN Translation)
Yu Y, Yang W, Dong Z, Wan C, Zhang J, Liu J, Xiao K, Huang Y, Lu B,
Journal Name: Fluoride
Language: Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Chinese Journal of Endemiology 1996 Sept;15(5):257-9.
Publish Date: April-June 2008
Volume/Page: 41(2):134–138.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Fetal Brain, *NTP2019, Endemic fluorosis areas, Placental transfer, Pregnant women
Behavioral teratology in rats exposed to fluoride. (FAN Translation)
Wu N, Zhao Z, Gao W, Li X.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: April-June 2008
Volume/Page: 41(2):129–133.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Fetal Brain, Cerebral cortex, Teratogen
Toxic effects of silicofluoridated water in chinchillas, caimans, alligators, and rats held in captivity
Burgstahler AW, Freeman RF, Jacobs PN.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: January-March 2008
Volume/Page: 41(1):83-88.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Cancer, Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Liver, Reproductive Toxicity, Silicofluorides
Variations in concentration of fluoride in blood plasma of pregnant women and their possible consequences for amelogenesis in a fetus.
Opydo-Szymaczek J, Borysewicz-Lewicka M.
Journal Name: Homo (Journal of Comparative Human Biology)
Publish Date: August 2006
Volume/Page: 57(4):295-307.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Fluoride Supplements, Saliva/Plaque, Pregnant women
Fetotoxicity of fluoride in rats and the protective action of some antioxidants
Helal M, Dakdoky ME.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: July-September 2006
Volume/Page: 39(3):202–210.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Liver, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Anti-Oxidants, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E