Showing 191 to 200 of 320 Search Results:
Fluoride exposure during development affects both cognition and emotion in mice
Liu F, Ma J, Zhang H, Liu P, Liu YP, Xing B, Dang YH.
Journal Name: Physiology & Behavior.
Publish Date: January 30, 2014
Volume/Page: 124:1-7.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Cognitive Function
Experimental pharmacological researches regarding the influence of sodium fluoride in allopathic and homeopathic doses in central nervous system’s performances. A correlation between behavioral response in classic maze test and morphological aspects of cerebral cortex
Baran-Poesina V, Negres S, Dobrescu D, Dimcevici-Poesina N, Dimcevici-Poesina A, Feghiu A, Soare T, Militaru M.
Journal Name: Farmacia
Publish Date: 2013
Volume/Page: 61(4):781-799.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Cerebral cortex
The ameliorative effect of ascorbic acid and Ginkgo biloba on learning and memory deficits associated with fluoride exposure
Raghu J, Raghuveer VC, Rao MC, Somayaji NS, Babu PB.
Journal Name: Interdisciplinary Toxicology
Publish Date: 2013
Volume/Page: 6(4):217-221.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function
Level of fluoride and arsenic in household shallow well water in Wamiao and Xinhuai villages in Jiangsu Province, China
Xiang Q, Wang Y, Yang M, Zhang M, Xu Y.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: October-December 2013
Volume/Page: 46(4):192–197.
Type: Other
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Arsenic, Chemical Co-Exposures, IQ Score
Comparative assessment of intelligence quotient among children living in high and low fluoride areas of Kutch, India: a pilot study.
Nagarajappa R, Pujara P, Sharda AJ, Asawa K, Tak M, Aapaliya P, Bhanushali N.
Journal Name: Iranian Journal of Public Health
Publish Date: August 2013
Volume/Page: 42(8):813-18.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, IQ Score, *NTP2019, Endemic fluorosis areas, India-IQ
The analog of Ginkgo biloba extract 761 is a protective factor of cognitive impairment induced by chronic fluorosis.
Zhang C, Ren C, Chen H, Geng R, Fan H, Zhao H, Guo K, Geng D.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: June 2013
Volume/Page: 153(1-3):229-36.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Hippocampus
A correlation between serum vitamin, acetylcholinesterase activity and IQ in children with excessive endemic fluoride exposure in Rajasthan, India.
Singh VP, Chauhan DS, Tripathi S, Kumar S, Gaur V, Tiwari M, Tomar A.
Journal Name: International Research Journal of Medical Sciences
Publish Date: April 2013
Volume/Page: 1(3):12-16
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Cholinesterase, IQ Score, Serum-F, Urine-F, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, *NTP2019, AChE, Endemic fluorosis areas, India-IQ
Neonatal sevoflurane anesthesia induces long-term memory impairment and decreases hippocampal PSD-95 expression without neuronal loss.
Wang SQ, Fang F, Xue ZG, Cang J, Zhang XG.
Journal Name: European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
Publish Date: April 2013
Volume/Page: 17(7):941-50.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Hippocampus, anesthetics, Neonatal, Sevoflurane
Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: Choi et al. Respond
Choi AL,Grandjean P, Sun G, Zhang Y.
Journal Name: Environmental Health Perspectives
Publish Date: March 2013
Volume/Page: 121(3):A70
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, IQ Score, Neurotoxicity
[Effect of lycopene on oxidative stress and neurobehavior in mouse exposed to drinking water fluorosis].
Liu CB, Chen GG, Ye L.
Journal Name: Chinese Public Health
Language: Chinese (with English summary)
Publish Date: 2013
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Anti-Oxidants, Hippocampus, Nutritional Status, Oxidative Stress