Showing 21 to 30 of 44 Search Results:
Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation
Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: Fall 1999
Volume/Page: 59(4):211-23.
Type: Review
Categories: Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Fluoride Supplements, Toothpaste
The case for eliminating the use of dietary fluoride supplements for young children.
Burt BA.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: September 1999
Volume/Page: 59(4):269-74.
Type: Human Study, Review
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Sources of Exposure, Fluoride Supplements, Toothpaste
Fluoride supplements for young children: an analysis of the literature focusing on benefits and risks.
Riordan PJ.
Journal Name: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
Publish Date: February 1999
Volume/Page: 27(1):72-83.
Type: Human Study, Review
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Fluoride Supplements
Risk factors associated with fluorosis in a non-fluoridated population in Norway.
Wang NJ, Gropen AM, Ogaard B.
Journal Name: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
Publish Date: December 1997
Volume/Page: 25(6):396-401.
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Fluoride Supplements, Toothpaste, Norway
Sources of fluoride intake in children
Levy SM, Kiritsy MC, Warren JJ.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: Winter 1995
Volume/Page: 55(1):39-52.
Type: Review
Categories: Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Fluoride Gels, Fluoride Supplements, Infant Formula/Foods, Toothpaste
The prevalence and risk factors of fluorosis among patients in a pediatric dental practice
Lalumandier JA, Rozier RG.
Journal Name: Pediatric Dentistry
Publish Date: January-February 1995
Volume/Page: 17(1):19-25.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Fluoride Supplements, Toothpaste
Factors associated with the use of fluoride supplements and fluoride dentifrice by infants and toddlers.
Nourjah P, Horowitz AM, Wagener DK.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: December 1994
Volume/Page: 54(1):47-54.
Type: Review
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Fluoride Supplements, Toothpaste
Fluoride pharmacokinetics in infancy
Ekstrand J, Fomon SJ, Ziegler EE, Nelson SE.
Journal Name: Pediatric Research
Publish Date: February 1994
Volume/Page: 35(2):157-63.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Total Body Burden, Infants, Pharmacokinetics, Tissue F Levels, Fluoride Supplements, Serum-F
Clinical trial of the effect of prenatal fluoride supplements in preventing dental caries.
Leverett DH.
Journal Name: National Technical Information Service (NTIS/PB93-222347)
Publish Date: April 1992
Type: Human Study, Clinical Trial
Categories: Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Fluoride Supplements, Fluorosis/Caries Relationship, mother-offspring, Prenatal exposure
Risk of enamel fluorosis associated with fluoride supplementation, infant formula, and fluoride dentifrice use.
Pendrys DG, Katz RV.
Journal Name: American Journal of Epidemiology
Publish Date: December 1989
Volume/Page: 130(6):1199-208.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Risk Factors, Total Body Burden, Infants, Sources of Exposure, Dental Products, Fluoride Supplements, Infant Formula/Foods, Toothpaste, Household income