Showing 311 to 320 of 320 Search Results:
The relationship of a low-iodine and high-fluoride environment to subclinical cretinism in Xinjiang.
Lin FF, Aihaiti, Zhao HX, Lin J, Jiang JY, Malmaiti, and Aiken.
Journal Name: Endemic Disease Bulletin 6(2):62-67 (republished in Iodine Deficiency Disorder Newsletter Vol. 7(3):24-25)
Publish Date: June 1991
Volume/Page: 7(3):24-25.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, Goiter, Iodine, IQ Score, Thyroid Hormones, *NTP2019, China-IQ, Endemic fluorosis areas
Using drawing tests to measure intelligence in children from areas impacted by combined Al-F endemic toxicosis (Shuicheng, Guizhou). (FAN Translation)
Sun M, Li S, Wang Y, Li F.
Journal Name: Journal of Guiyang Medical College | Translation by the Fluoride Action Network
Publish Date: January 1991
Volume/Page: 16(3):204-206.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Aluminum, IQ Score, *NTP2019, China-IQ, Endemic fluorosis areas
Research on the intellectual ability of 6-14 year old students in an area with endemic fluoride poisoning (FAN Translation)
Hu Y, Yu Z.
Journal Name: Collection of papers and abstracts of 4th China Fluoride Research Association
Language: Article in Chinese; translation by Julian Brooke, 3/30/07, courtesy of the Fluoride Action Network.
Publish Date: 1989
Volume/Page: 6:73.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, IQ Score, China-IQ, Endemic fluorosis areas
Neurobehavioral evaluation of soil and structural fumigators using methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride.
Anger WK, Moody L, Burg J, Brightwell WS, Taylor BJ, Russo JM, Dickerson N, Setzer JV, Johnson BL, Hicks K.
Journal Name: Neurotoxicology
Publish Date: Fall 1986
Volume/Page: 7(3):137-56.
Type: Human Study, Occupational
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Pesticides
The incidence of primary degenerative dementia vs. water fluoride content in South Carolina, USA.
Still CN, Kelley P.
Journal Name: Neurotox
Publish Date: 1980
Volume/Page: 1: 125-132.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, *NTP2019, Dementia
Psychological studies of human performance as affected by traces of enflurane and nitrous oxide.
Bruce D, Bach MJ.
Journal Name: Anesthesiology
Publish Date: February 1975
Volume/Page: 42:194–196.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, anesthetics, Enflurane, Halothane
Trace anesthetic effects on perceptual, cognitive, and motor skills.
Bruce DL, Bach MJ, Arbit J.
Journal Name: Anesthesiology
Publish Date: May 1974
Volume/Page: 40:453–457.
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, anesthetics, Halothane
Chronic fluorine intoxication from drinking water
Waldbott GL.
Journal Name: International Archives of Allergy
Publish Date: 1955
Volume/Page: 7:70-74.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Bones/Joints, Arthritis, Brain, Cognitive Function, Neurological Symptoms, Susceptible Populations, Hypersensitivity
Fluoride intoxication from drinking water (a report of 52 cases)
Waldbott GL.
Journal Name: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst Moritz Arndt-Universitat Greifswald
Publish Date: 1955/1956
Volume/Page: 5:307-316.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Bones/Joints, Arthritis, Brain, Cognitive Function, Neurological Symptoms, Gastrointestinal, Immune System, Skin, Susceptible Populations, Hypersensitivity, Eyes
Pathological changes in the tissues of rats (albino) and monkeys (macaca radiata) in fluorine toxicosis
Wadhwani TK, Ramaswamy AS.
Journal Name: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
Publish Date: 1953
Volume/Page: 35(3):223-30.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Heart, Arteriosclerosis, Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Parathyroid Gland, Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Cellular/Tissue Effects, Glucose, Insulin, Pancreas, Cerebral cortex, Spleen