Showing 71 to 79 of 79 Search Results:
Fluorosis induced by drinking brick tea
Cao J, Bai X, Zhao Y, Liu J, Zhou D, Fang S, Jia M, Wu J.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: July-September 1996
Volume/Page: 29(3):139-142.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Sources of Exposure, Tea
Fluoride content in caffeinated, decaffeinated and herbal teas
Chan JT, Koh SH.
Journal Name: Caries Research
Publish Date: 1996
Volume/Page: 30(1):88-92.
Type: Other, Food Survey
Categories: Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Tea
Fluoride intake and its safety among heavy tea drinkers in a British fluoridated city.
Jenkins GN.
Journal Name: Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society
Publish Date: 1991
Volume/Page: 87(4):571-9.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Tissue F Levels, Tea, Urine-F, UK
Fluorine content in the urine and in the serum of hydrofluoric acid workers as an index of health administration.
Toyota S.
Journal Name: Sangyo Igaku (Japanese Journal of Industrial Health)
Language: Article in Japanese; abstract in English from author's translation.
Publish Date: July 1979
Volume/Page: 21(4):335-48.
Type: Human Study, Occupational
Categories: Serum-F, Sources of Exposure, Tea, Tissue F Levels, Urine-F, hydrogen fluoride
Serum ionic fluoride: normal range and relationship to age and sex
Husdan H, Vogl R, Oreopoulos D, Gryfe C, Rapoport A.
Journal Name: 22(11):1884-8.
Publish Date: November 1976
Volume/Page: 22(11):1884-8.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Age, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Serum-F, Tea, Sex-related difference
Serum fluoride concentrations in renal insufficiency
Seidenberg A, Flueler U, Binswanger U.
Journal Name: Kidney International
Publish Date: 1976
Volume/Page: 9:454.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Kidney, Risks to Kidney Patients, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Tissue F Levels, Dialysis, Serum-F, Tea
Fluoride studies in a patient with arthritis
Cook HA.
Journal Name: The Lancet
Publish Date: October 9, 1971
Volume/Page: 298(7728):817.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Bones/Joints, Arthritis, Sources of Exposure, Tea, Osteoarthritis
Endemic fluorosis with neurological complications in a Hampshire man
Webb-Peploe MM, Bradley WG.
Journal Name: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Publish Date: 1966
Volume/Page: 29:577-583.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Differential Diagnosis, Spinal Cord Compression, Tea
Chronic fluoride intoxication with fluorotic radiculomyelopathy.
Sauerbrunn BJ, Ryan CM, Shaw JF.
Journal Name: Annals of Internal Medicine
Publish Date: December 1965
Volume/Page: 63(6):1074-1078.
Type: Human Study, Case Report
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Polydipsia, Spinal Cord Compression, Tea