This review presents a Total Environment evaluation of current inorganic fluoride intake by human populations. Inorganicfluoride is a persistant bioaccumulator, and the ever-increasing use (and release) of fluoride compounds in the environment should be of long-term concern in population sub-groups who are most susceptible, and therefore, most “at risk”. One of these sub-groups consists of people with impaired kidney function, including subjects with nephorphatic diabetes. The diabetes factor is of particular relevance, not only because the incidence of diabetes has increased by 6%/yr during the period 1965-1975, but also because subjects with nephropathic diabetes can exhibit a polydipsia-polyurea syndrome that results in increased intake offluoride, along with greater-than-normal retention of a given fluoride dosage. People with inadequate dietary intakes (particularly of Ca and/or Vitamin C) are also likely to be more “at risk” as a consequence of low-dose long-term fluoride ingestion. Evidence is presented, showing that there has been an escalation in daily fluoride intake via the total human food-and-beverage chain, with the likelihood that this escalation will continue in the future. Recent observations, relating to an increasing incidence of chronic fluoride intoxication among humans, is also emphasized.
*Original abstract online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0048969777900262?via%3Dihub