
Fifteen fetuses from an endemic fluorosis area that were aborted therapeutically at the 5th–8th month of gestation were compared with 16 aborted fetuses from a non-endemic area. Stereological study of the brains showed that the numerical density of the neuron volume and the undifferentiated neuroblasts as well as the nucleus-cytoplasm ratio of the neurons were increased. The mean volume of the neurons, however, was reduced. The numerical density of volume, the volume density, and the surface density of the mitochondria were significantly reduced. The results showed that chronic fluorosis in the course of intrauterine fetal life may produce certain harmful effects on the developing brain of the fetus.

Translated by Shan Ying for Fluoride Action Network and published with the permission of the Chinese Journal of Pathology 1992;21(4):218-20 in the journal Fluoride.