
The concentration of fluoride in the urine was determined in individuals of different ages who were drinking water fluoridated to approximately 1.0 p.p.m. fluoride with sodium fluosilicate (Montgomery County, Md.) or with sodium fluoride (Grand Rapids, Mich.).

In adults (Montgomery County), the water fluoride and urinary fluoride concentrations became approximately equal within 1 week after the introduction of the fluoridated water. In school children aged 5 through 14 years (Montgomery County) and 6 through 17 years (Grand Rapids), a considerably longer period of time (approximately 3 and 5 years respectively) elapsed before the concentration of fluoride in the urine reached that in the drinking

The difference in the response of adults and children during the initial period of exposure to a fluoridated drinking water suggests that the maturity of human skeletal tissue influences its capacity to retain fluoride.

The results of the study do not suggest any essential difference in urinary elimination of fluoride ingested in naturally fluoridated drinking water and the elimnination of fluoride ingested in drinking water fluoridated with either sodium fluoride or sodium fluosilicate.

The findings are regarded as evidence that no hazard of cumulative toxic fluorosis is associated with the use of a drinking water fluoridated to contain 1 p.p.m. fluoride.