Bone tissue from rats drinking fluoridated water has been investigated by contact microradiography and x-ray fluorescence technique. At high dosages (1 mg F/day) osteosclerosis is seen within a year; later, resorption cavities occur. At more moderate dosages (0.3 mg F/day) no osteosclerosis is seen but resorption cavities sometimes occur, however. No resorption cavities are seen in the skeleton from rats with a fluorine intake of less than 0.1 mg F/day.


Bone tissue from rats drinking fluoridated water has been investigated by contact microradiography and x-ray fluorescence technique. At high dosages (1 mg F/day) osteosclerosis is seen within a year; later, resorption cavities occur. At more moderate dosages (0.3 mg F/day) no osteosclerosis is seen but resorption cavities sometimes occur, however. No resorption cavities are seen in the skeleton from rats with a fluorine intake of less than 0.1 mg F/day.