Effect of pineal proteins and melatonin on certain biochemical parameters of rats exposed to high-fluoride drinking water. April 2, 2014
The influence of rich-in-cholesterol diet and fluoride ions contained in potable water upon the concentration of malondialdehyde and the activity of selected antioxidative enzymes in rabbit liver. March 27, 2014
Fluoride + aluminum induced toxicity in mice testis witih giant cells and its reversal by vitamin C February 8, 2014
Dose effect relationship between high fluoride intake and biomarkers of lipid metabolism in endemic fluorosis February 7, 2014
Ameliorative effect of tamarind leaf on fluoride-induced metabolic alterations February 7, 2014 Fluoride-exposed rats exhibited significant elevation in fasting blood glucose levels, and the hepatic glycogen content was reduced.
Possible protective role of calcium against fluoride induced cardio toxicities in adult male albino rats January 31, 2014
Oxidative indices correlate with dyslipidemia and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in fluoride-exposed rats January 31, 2014
Inflammatory responses induced by fluoride and arsenic at toxic concentration in rabbit aorta. January 6, 2014