Tag: CNS
Showing 10 of 10:
June 14, 2014
Studies on skeletal muscle biopsies in endemic skeletal fluorosis
February 16, 2014
Characterization of nervous system intoxication in occupational fluorosis
February 14, 2014
The effect of small quantities of fluorine on the human body
February 14, 2014
Cytochemical response of kidney, liver and nervous system of fluoride ions in drinking water
February 11, 2014
Fluoride in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with fluorosis
February 3, 2014
Studies on sural nerve biopsies in endemic skeletal fluorosis
February 3, 2014
Symposium on the non-skeletal phase of chronic fluorosis: The spinal cord
February 3, 2014
Pre and post natal exposure of fluoride induced oxidative macromolecular alterations in developing central nervous system of rat and amelioration by antioxidants.
January 5, 2014
Effect of maternal exposure of fluoride on biometals and oxidative stress parameters in developing CNS of rat.
January 5, 2014