Health risk assessment of fluorine in fertilizers from a fluorine contaminated region based on the oral bioaccessibility determined by Biomimetic Whole Digestion-Plasma in-vitro Method (BWDPM). February 22, 2020
Pasture soils contaminated with fertilizer-derived cadmium and fluorine: livestock effects. April 4, 2014
Fluoride accumulation in pasture forages and soils following long-term applications of phosphorus fertilisers. April 4, 2014
Estimation of occupational hazards of the employees of a phosphate fertilizers plant. February 8, 2014 In our research no essential changes in blood morphology and kidneys function were found, as well as estimation of liver efficiency was positive. The biggest number of changes which indicate toxic effect of fluorine, was found while analysing sugar curves and phosphorus-calcium-magnesium balance. Six cases of diabetes, 4 of them of early type were diagnosed, […]