Tag: Hypersensitivity
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Provided Extensive Information on Fluoride Toxicity to National Research Council (NRC)
Between 2003 and 2005, FAN submitted extensive analysis and documentation to a panel of the National Research Council (NRC) that was charged with reviewing the adequacy of the EPA’s safe drinking water standard for fluoride. The panel invited FAN’s Executive Director, Dr. Paul Connett, to give a presentation alongside a dentist, Dr. William Maas, from the CDC. Maas argued that EPA’s standard was safe and appropriate, while FAN’s Director argued it was dangerously outdated. The CDC has far more resources than FAN, but FAN won the argument. In 2006, the NRC issued a groundbreaking report concluding that EPA’s drinking water standard for fluoride is unsafe and should be lowered.
Fluoride, Mercury, & Allergic Diseases
The preliminary findings of a new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, suggest that mercury and fluoride exposures may be contributing factors to the increased occurrence of allergic diseases in the western world.
Allergy to Fluoride Toothpaste – Additional Info
Information about allergic skin reactions to fluoride toothpaste.
Allergy to Fluoride Toothpaste – New Report
The current issue of the journal Dermatology contains an case report which concludes that fluoridated toothpaste may be a cause of “Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis”, a condition more commonly known as “canker sores.”
The toxic toothpaste
Like most parents, Beverly Cooke encouraged her daughter Alysia to use fluoride toothpaste. At nine, Alysia started to have leg pains, flu-like symptoms and constant headaches. Her condition mystified specialists until a doctor at an orthopaedic clinic noticed her teeth were mottled brown. He suspected dental fluorosis, a condition caused by over-exposure to fluoride that can cause crumbling of the enamel and permanent damage to teeth.
Prenatal and postnatal ingestion of fluorides – A progress report.
The cases described indicate that certain patients react unfavorably to fluoride therapy. Whether the fluorine acts as an allergen after short term use or whether the fluorine acts as an intoxicant after many months of use, is unknown and should be determined.
Fluoride Dentrifice and Stomatitis
Statistical data of 133 patients who have been using fluoride dental cream or powder have been presented. Each has developed intraoral ulcerative lesions. Many have been treated for other complaints without clearance of the lesions. Age is not significant. Repeated insults with the fluoride dentrifices produced increasingly severe excoriations. There seems to be nothing specific about the lesions to differentiate them from other diseases of an oral nature.
Allergic Reactions from Fluorides
Six cases are described with allergic manifestations from fluorides. The symptoms were reproduced by administering an aqueous fluoride solution either by ingestion, injection or local application. Control tests had no such effect. The patients had no way of knowing which solution contained fluoride.
Allergy to Fluoride
Six children and one adult exhibited various allergic reactions after the use of toothpaste and vitaimin preparations containing fluoride. The following conditions were encountered: Urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, stomatitis, gastro-intestinal and respiratory allergy.
Fluoride Toothpaste: A Cause of Acne-like Eruptions
I feel that I should share with my colleagues in dermatology an observation relative to the treatment of problem acne.