[Experimental research on endocrine disturbing effect of fluorin on hypothalamus-hypophysis-testis axis in male rats]. February 10, 2014
[Effect of fluoride on the expression of StAR mRNA and P450scc mRNA in the progesterone synthesis of mouse Leydig tumor cells]. February 10, 2014
Effect of long-term fluoride exposure on lipid peroxidation and histology of testes in first- and second-generation rats February 10, 2014
Ultrastructural studies on the leydig cells of rabbits exposed to chronic fluoride toxicity February 10, 2014
Fluoride-induced changes in the expression of epidermal growth factor and its receptor in testicular tissues of young male rats February 9, 2014
Fluorosis: geographical pathology and some experimental findings February 9, 2014 A.P. Tarinsky (4) revealed a 2-3 fold increase of symptoms of oligospermia and azoospermi a in male W¢rkers suffering from industrial fluorosis compared with healthy men o f the same age. Tokar (5, 6) found an association between fluorosis and hypogonadism. These data made it necessary to study the changes of synthetic processes in the […]
Testing the potential of sodium fluoride to affect spermatogenesis: a morphometric study February 8, 2014