Tag: Lung
Showing 10 of 38:
Lung damage after long-term exposure of adult rats to sodium fluoride
Alterations in drug metabolising enzymes and lipid peroxidation in different rat tissues by fluoride.
Effect of chronic fluorosis on lipid peroxidation and histology of lung tissues in first and second generation rats.
Experimental pulmonary fluorosis.
Fluoride distribution in rats during and after continuous infusion of Na18F.
Effects of the inhalation of hydrogen fluoride, III. Fluorine storage following exposure to sub-lethal
Fluoride intoxication in a dialysis unit–Maryland.
The effects of the inhalation of hydrogen fluoride. I. The response following exposure to high concentrations.
Systemic effects of fluoridated water on rats.
Health survey of workers of an aluminum plant in China: III. Respiratory symptoms and ventilatory functions.
Discussion The present epidemiological study on the prevalence of respiratory disease was carried out according t o t h e most widely and comprehensively validated MRC questionnaire. The questionnaire is characterized by its making group comparison of the prevalence of individual symptoms singly or in combination, instead of searching for names of specific diseases such […]