Resolution 169 of 2009 – Authorize Mayor to Oppose the Proposed D. C. Sanitary Code Making it Mandatory for All Public Water Suppliers to Add ?Fluoride to their Potable Water supply.

WHEREAS, the City of Beacon City Council authorizes the Mayor to oppose proposed Dutchess County Sanitary Code making it mandatory for all public water suppliers to add ?fluoride to their potable water effective January, 2011.

WHEREAS, there are potential health risks associated with fluoride in the water supply.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Beacon Mayor is hereby authorized to oppose proposed Dutchess County Sanitary Code making it mandatory for all public water suppliers to add ?fluoride to their potable water effective January, 2011.

BE IT RESOLVED, that this Resolution will be forwarded to the Dutchess County Board of Health.

Motion by Council Member Pasti, to add resolution regarding, Authorize Mayor To Oppose The Proposed D. C. Sanitary Code Making It Mandatory For All Public Water Suppliers To Add ?Fluoride To Their Potable Water Supply Seconded by Council Member Kelly. All present voted in Favor.

Motion by Council Member KellyPasti, to Authorize Mayor to Oppose the Proposed D. C. Sanitary Code Making it Mandatory for All Public Water Suppliers to Add “Fluoride to their Potable Water supply ______________________________, Seconded by Council Member PastiKelly. All present voted in Favor.

Comments: Mayor Gold thanked Jamie McCollum Superintendent of Water for coming to the meeting and reading a letter, and explained the affects of Fluoride, he reviewed and studies this and is in opposition of this resolution.

SEE July 9, 2010, news report: Dutchess lawmakers consider eliminating health board’s power


From the November 23, 2009, City of Beacon Council Workshop:

Fluoridated Water – Jamie McCollum – Water Superintendent

Mr. McCollum wrote to the Dutchess County Board of Health in Poughkeepsie which is as follows:

I am writing to express my concerns in regards to the proposed amendment to the Dutchess County Sanitary Code that will make it mandatory for all public water supplies serving over 10,000 consumers to add “fluoride” to their potable water beginning in January 2011.

First of all, I do not think that municipal water supplies should be playing “surgeon general” by dictating what consumers ingest into their bodies, other than what is required to maintain safe drinking water standards. As a purveyor of quality water, it is my duty to provide a safe and aesthetically pleasing product to the citizens of the community, namely the City of Beacon and the many Town of Fishkill residents that our system also serves.

Furthermore, I am not comfortable adding a chemical to the water supply that hasn’t been deemed 100% safe by the entire medical and scientific community. In fact, it has been linked to cancer in teenagers. My staff and I have researched this subject in the past, and it seems to run about 50-50 world-wide in terms of for and against the benefits of fluoridation of water supplies.

Aside from the health related concerns, this proposal couldn’t have surfaced at a worse time as municipalities struggle to exist economically! Operating budgets are maxed out and major tax increases, employee furloughs and/or lay-offs add to the daily dilemmas that most cities and towns now face as “survival” becomes the normal order of the day. This proposal would most certainly add major expenses to all of the targeted municipalities, as no one is prepared for the impact of the costs involved with the preparations (storage facilities, containment, chemical feed equipment, safety equipment, etc) for this process.

Again, as a civil servant of the community, who is entrusted with the supervision of the public water supply, I cannot in good conscience endorse this proposal. I feel that the citizens should be able to make their own informed decision with regards to fluoride and/or any other product that could be consumed through the water supply or any other means.

This is my personal stance on this matter. Although I am informing the Mayor, City Council, City Administrator and the rest of the community of this proposal, this letter is, thus far, my view only.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinions on this matter.

James McCollum
Water Superintendent

Mr. McCollum, read the above letter, and asked if this letter can also be sent to our
legislatures. Mayor Steve Gold stated that the City of Poughkeepsie is also opposed to
this mandated law.

In addition, this will be an additional cost to the City for the tanks, chemicals, etc. Mr. McCollum also noted that chemicals will cost the City on annual basis

Council Member Fredericks asked if the City of Beacon water was chlorinated, which it is and this is to clean any bacteria in the water. That is mandatory.

There will be a resolution brought to the next Council Meeting stating that the City of

Beacon would prefer not to fluorinate our water, as how can you make a municipality fluorinate the City Water, yet residents who have wells are not mandated?