
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.  

Michael Connett In New Zealand

New Zealand residents, there's still time to see attorney Michael Connett during his speaking tour of your country. Connett is an environmental attorney and public health advocate who led FAN's historic legal battle and victory against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals. He's currently on a speaking tour of New Zealand, filling meeting halls to capacity in Whangarei and Rotorua.   Connett's presentations--open to all members

A Growing Wave of Victories

Since the federal district court awarded the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) a victory in our lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at the end of September, a rapidly growing list of communities across the United States, Canada, and New Zealand have responded by either ending or rejecting water fluoridation. This unprecedented wave of victories is far from over, with more than 80 communities currently holding hearings on fluoridation or actively planning to vote

New Video Testimony

Dear Friends,  We had another inspiring 24 hours of fundraising. Since yesterday, we've raised $8,268 from 41 donors. $5,000 of this was doubled thanks to yesterday's doubling challenge from a West Coast super angel, bringing our total to  $60,536 from 347 donors. Thank you all so much.  We're incredibly grateful for your support for our work in 2025.  Please help us keep the momentum going until midnight on December 31

The Battle Isn’t Over – Help Us Finish The Job

Dear Friends,  We've had our best 48 hours of fundraising yet, but we're counting on our supporters to please keep the momentum going until midnight on December 31st. Since Thursday, we've raised $13,505 from 29 donors. $760 of this was doubled thanks to our $4,500 Christmas Eve doubling challenge from a super angel, bringing our total to  $47,268 from 306 donors. We're incredibly grateful for your support!  As you can see, we're

The Water District That Never Gave Up

Dear Friends,  We hope all of our supporters had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas day. On our end, it is back to raising the funds necessary for our 2025 budget as we enter the most important few days of our fundraiser. We have the daunting task of trying to reach a total of $140,000 by midnight Dec 31st.  Since Monday, we've raised $2,420 from 17 donors. This was doubled thanks to our $4,500 Christmas Eve doubling challenge from a super angel, bringing our&nbs

BREAKING: Study Finds That Fluoridation Is Major Economic Loss

Fundraising UpdateSince Saturday's bulletin on state legislation, we were able to raise $2,576 from 34 donors, bringing our current total to $26,083 from 242 donors. We're incredibly grateful to all who have supported FAN over the years. Together we've accomplished a lot. You've trusted our vision and strategy this entire time and as a result we've pressed ahead with victory after victory. Now, with the 25th anniversary of FAN's founding approaching,

Fluoridation State Legislation in 2025

Fundraising UpdateSince Thursday, 29 donors have contributed $3,087. The first $505 was doubled due to a $5,000 doubling-challenge by one of our "super angels," bringing our current total to $23,507 from 208 donors on our way to our goal of raising $140,000 from 700 donors by midnight on December 31st. A big thank you to all who have helped. LIMITED-TIME OFFER STILL IN EFFECT: Jack Crowther's fun maple syrup offer is still ongoing! So far onl

A Sweet Treat For Your Support

I had originally planned to publish a bulletin today on a brand new study that puts the side effects from fluoridation into a different perspective, one that maybe some government officials will be more receptive to, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. This is because I received an email from a long-time donor and community organizer in Vermont who offered to help kick our fundraiser into overdrive with a "sweet deal." It reminded me of how Paul Connett used to say that we occasionally nee

Four New Interviews to Watch

Fundraising UpdateSince Sunday, we’ve raised $2,750 from 21 supporters. With the current $5,000 doubling challenge from one of our “Super Angels” in effect, our new total is $16,425 raised so far from 156 donors towards FAN’s 2025 operating budget.  At the moment there is some concern that we may not raise enough to maintain the unprecedented momentum we've generated going into what is likely to be the most consequential time period this b

Fluoridation Review #41

Compiled by Michael F. Dolan, PhD Fundraising Update Since Friday, we've raised $1,695 from 21 supporters, bringing our current total to $10,925 from 135 donors towards FAN's 2025 operating budget. THANK YOU ALL! DONATIONS ARE DOUBLED - A long-time and passionate supporter has agreed to double all donations up to the next $5,000! This means your donation will have double the impact over the next few days. How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation: You can make your