West Manchester Township Authority
Incorporated June 27, 1950
2115 Log Cabin Rd. York, PA 17408

July 7, 2020

Dear Shiloh Water Customer:

The West Manchester Township Authority began researching the benefit of adding fluoride to the Shiloh Water System beginning in December of 2018, after receiving numerous requests by customers to discontinue adding it to the System’s water. The Authority members individually researched the subject and the Board voted to discontinue the addition of fluoride to Shiloh Water at its February 20 I 9 meeting in our effort to provide the best, purest and least expensive water possible by only adding those chemicals required by state and federal regulations. Following the vote, two public meetings were held to gauge the customers’ thoughts on the Board ‘s decision. At the first public meeting held on May 20, 2019, eleven customers attending were in favor of fluoridated water and eighteen customers were against fluoridated water. At the second public meeting held on February 24, 2020, five customers spoke in favor of fluoridation and six customers spoke against fluoridation. Emails received during the same time frame were fourteen for fluoridation and nineteen against. The Authority Board voted to discontinue adding fluoride to the Shiloh Water System at its May 2020 meeting. The Department of.Environmental Protection subsequently approved our application to discontinue the addition of fluoride to Shiloh Water and that approval was received by the Authority on June 24, 2020.

This letter is being sent to inform the customers of the Shiloh Water System that the addition of fluoride to the water in the Shiloh Water System will cease on August 31, 2020.

Jim Bentzel, Jr.
West Manchester Township Authority

*See original letter in pdf format at http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/shiloh-pa.ends-fluoridation.notification.8-31-20.pdf