Dear Supporter,

First, a happy and successful New Year to each and every one of you. Let’s hope together we can really take a dent out of this awful practice in the coming year – despite the many millions of (including millions of taxpayer money) dollars that will be used against us.

Yesterday we came very, very close to our ambitious fundraising goals. As of this moment we have raised $145,805 from 783 donors and we broke records all around.

Overall that is the most money we have ever raised in an annual fundraiser and it is also came from a record number of donors. Yesterday was also a record day for this year’s fundraiser raising more money from more donors than on any other day.

While we must thank our super angels in particular – especially Dr. Mercola whose $25,000 matching grant along with his special bulletins for Fluoride week, did so much to get us moving – every single donation was important to us.

Thanks also to the other members of this FAN fundraising team, my wife Ellen and campaign manager Stuart (Stu) Cooper. Stu produced a steady flow of ideas as well as doing all the hard work of formatting and sending out the bulletins. It was Ellen’s idea to come up with the poster competition, which got all our creative juices flowing.

Please don’t forget to cast your vote for three of the posters you like best in 1-2-3 order (this is not an easy task as they are all so good). In an earlier life Ellen worked for  a big ad agency on Madison Avenue so she has worked with a lot of brilliant graphics artists and copywriters and she was impressed with these entries. Which all goes to underline the three chief attributes we need to win this battle: integrity, creativity and unity. None of those can be bought for money, and that is why we will eventually force an end to this most foolish and reckless of practices.

Please also don’t forget to sign the email letter to the HHS/EPA being organized by attorney Gerald Steel. Deadline is Jan 4

Finally, for my New Year wishes to you.  I would like to share with you what Dr. Mercola shared with his readers on Christmas day. These were a list of suggestions that came from the pen of novelist Oren Arnold. 

 “To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”

Thank you all again for everything you did to help make our 2014 Fundraiser such a great success and for everything else you have done – and I hope will continue to do – to help end fluoridation, wherever it is still practiced.

Paul Connett and the whole FAN team

And if by some remote chance you didn’t donate to this fundraiser it is not too late!  Here’s how to make your tax-deductible donation

·       Donate online using our secure server

·       Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905

You can also choose one of the several premiums available at different donation levels. 

Your vote is needed in the Great FAN Poster Competition at http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/content/the-fan-poster-competition/

See all FAN Bulletins