A number of communities in Canada are voting on fluoridation today!  If you live in one of these communities, please vote and urge your friends and neighbors to vote. 


We will have a full breakdown of the Canadian and U.S. fluoridation voting results in the next bulletin.  Please stay tuned.

Another Domino Falls in Ireland

Ireland is the last remaining country in the world with a nationwide fluoridation mandate, but likely not for long. On Monday, November 10, the Kerry County Council unanimously passed a motion opposing public water fluoridation. The motion states: “that Kerry County Council will write to the Government calling for the cessation of public water fluoridation.” The unanimously vote received cross party support and was passed without any disagreement amongst the councilors.

This is the fifth major Council to adopt a similar resolution this year and comes just weeks after Cork and Dublin, the two largest cities in the country passed motions along with Cork County Council and Laois County Council doing so earlier in 2014. These councils represent approximately 1.5 million residents.

According to local campaigners, “One Fine Gael Councillor who wished to remain anonymous said the job of Irish Water was not to medicate the Irish populace but to deliver clean and safe water.”   We couldn’t agree more!

For more information on the victory in Kerry, please visit the Fluoride Free Towns campaign (Like their Facebook page).

Also in Ireland, a great article was published in the October edition of Ireland’s Dental Magazine written by documentary producer Marcus Stewart. It’s a great introduction to the fluoridation issue and a strong science-based rebuttal to the typical pro-fluoridation attacks. The article starts on page 20.

Ireland Teleconference Audio

November’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference explored the amazing fluoride-free momentum building up in Ireland. This call was a great opportunity to hear how campaigners were able to successfully get the two largest city councils in the country, as well as the largest county council, to pass resolutions calling for an end to fluoridation in Ireland. The call was a wonderful learning opportunity for campaigners around the world, and featured activists Mary Hilary and Ciarnan Mallory (www.fluoridefreewater.ie), Owen Boyden of Fluoride Free Towns (http://fluoridefreetowns.com), holistic doctor Tony Hughes, and journalist Ciarna Sherlock. Don’t miss this inspirational and educational experience, download the audio today and listen at your leisure:


Dr. Hans Video

There is a great new video of Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, MD, a General Practitioner, explaining what he and other doctors saw when the Netherlands started fluoridating the drinking water, and why they campaigned to successfully end the practice forever. You can also see Dr. Moolenburgh discuss infant exposure to fluoride in this video appeal to the American Dietetic Association from a few years ago.

News You May Have Missed:

Parry Sound Begins Fluoride Debate (Ontario)

Prince George: Pair Says Stats Show Fluoridation Hasn’t Worked (British Columbia)

Fluoride Intake Increasing Bone Fractures (Mercola.com)

Determining Fluorine Emissions From Burning Biomass (USA)

Anti-Fluoride Activists Set Sights on Traverse City (Michigan)

Andover: An End to Fluoride Supplements in School (New York)

Newton County: Resolution Opposes Mandated Fluoridation (Arkansas)

Councils Reveal Fluoride Legal Costs (Australia)

Visit the FAN News Archive for more fluoride news from around the world.

Stuart Cooper
Campaign Manager
Fluoride Action Network
See all FAN bulletins