A huge thanks to all who have donated so far. We have received $630 from 11 donors. To reach our goal, we need to raise $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight December 31, 2016.  We need your help and support to continue our work as most of our funding each year comes from our individual supporters who are on the frontline campaigning against fluoridation. If you wish to help FAN’s campaign to end water fluoridation – and especially in the U.S. where this reckless practice began – please donate today.

All donations are tax-deductible under the 501(c)(3) status of our parent organization the American Environmental Health Studies Project, Inc (AEHSP).

To make a donation more attractive to you one of our super-angels has promised to DOUBLE all donations made today and tomorrow up to a total of $5,000. So please donate to us today and make your donation go twice as far.

(See donation details below)

Four Ways You Can Take Action Immediately:

Our petition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could ultimately end the practice of water fluoridation throughout the U.S., which could result in a domino effect throughout the world.  It’s crucial that we take advantage of this opportunity by doing all we can to share this information with decision-makers, journalists, and professionals, while simultaneously showing the EPA that there’s a broad coalition of support.  Below, we have four ways that you can take action right now–at your computer or on your mobile device—to help boost the momentum behind the petition and raise awareness:

  1. Endorse FAN’s Petition to the EPA 

Earlier this year, FAN successfully submitted a comment in support of our petition to the FDA with over 11,000 co-signers from around the U.S.  We’d like to bring that same level of public attention and support to our EPA petition.  Help put pressure on regulators to do their job to protect our children from unnecessary exposure to neurotoxins.  Add your name in support of our EPA citizen’s petition.  All signatures collected will be submitted to the EPA as a supportive comment prior to the EPA’s response deadline.

Endorse FAN’s Petition

Professionals, World Alliance members, and any interested organizations or campaigns that would like to add their names to the EPA petition can also email our Outreach Director, Jay Sanders: jaystandards@yahoo.com

  1. Share our social media posts about Petition to EPA –

Our Facebook post on the EPA petition is starting to go viral, with nearly 30,000 people reached, over 425 shares, 250 likes, and many comments.  The accompanying short video has now been viewed over 8000 times in just 24 hours on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  Together, we can make these posts go viral, exposing this information to thousands more:

  • If you have a Facebook account, please click here, then like and share our post.  Feel free to add a supportive comment and join over 81,000 others by “liking” our page if you haven’t already.
  1. Share the press release and petition summary with local media outlets –

To help spread this critical information regarding fluoride and brain development, please share our press release with your local media outlets (newspapers, radio stations, TV news outlets).  We suggest emailing this version of the release to the news department or editors of your local news outlets.  Simply Google “submit press release (name of local paper)” and locate the email address or online submission form to submit news, or to contact the news editor.  In your email/submission please also include the following link to the shorter summary of the petition.

If you know a local journalist personally, or have seen one recently cover the issue of fluoridation, this would be the ideal contact to send the release to.

We suggest that local fluoride-free campaigns also share the press release as-is along with the summary, but add an introductory paragraph informing the editor/journalist that your campaign has been organized locally to end fluoridation, and that you are also a co-signer on the petition.  Use it as an opportunity to launch or promote your local group.

  1. Make a charitable donation:

Help ensure that the momentum behind our petition, and the pressure on federal regulators, remains strong by contributing to our educational and campaign efforts.  Also, help us ensure that regulators are held accountable legally if they choose to ignore our petition.  The potential lawsuit associated with the petition could be the nail in the coffin for fluoridation worldwide.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network, a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, you can either:

  • Donate online using our secure server.  If you should experience difficulty in donating at our secure server, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation over the phone.
  • Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, c/o Connett, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905

*Please note that some corporations match tax deductible donations made by their employees to some non-profits. We qualify for this. This is the information to provide your corporation finance people, the parent body for FAN is the American Environmental Health Studies Project, Inc, registered in Vermont.

Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online