I am not talking about the star that led the three wise men in the bible but the Windsor Star, which did something on Dec 28 that few papers in North America have done. They gave a prominent warning to pregnant women and bottle-feeding parents, via an interview with Christine Till:

(Click on photo for interview)

This warning came on the brink of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, re-fluoridating its water (they stopped in 2013). In the context of what we now know about the dangers of fluoride to the fetal and infant brain it is an extremely irrational and reckless decision to go forward with re-fluoridation in 2021. But local politicians, like many decision-makers in North America who don’t have time to do their scientific homework (and without the issue being aired clearly in the media) it is too easy to be dazzled by the “authority” of local medical officers who simply pass on second hand messages on risks and benefits.  Especially, when these messengers of government “policy” are aided and abetted by slick pro-fluoridation lobbyists who with a straight face (and a friendly smile) assure these innocent men and women that “there is absolutely no evidence that at the level we fluoridate that fluoride can do any harm – absolutely none!” And who would say that if it wasn’t true?

But now comes the Windsor Star with a window into the truth.

Our household’s response was divided on this article, Ellen thought it was terrific, but my joy at seeing Christine Till’s wise words in print, was marred by the quote from a local politician who felt that the evidence for fluoride’s benefits to the teeth outweighed any uncertain damage to the brain. That was a shocker to me and in a letter to the Star I wrote,

“I was horrified to learn that some politicians in Windsor think that protecting children’s teeth is more important than protecting their brains. This is extremely poor judgment in my view…(The quality of Till’s) US government funded studies (Green, 2019 and Till, 2020)…are light years ahead of any studies purporting to demonstrate benefits.”

The Windsor Star has done its job. Hopefully, other newspapers (do we dare hope the NYTimes) will do theirs? But the question for Windsor is will the politicians do the most difficult thing any politician ever has to do and admit that they were duped by propagandists?

Paul Connett
Executive Director

Update on Fundraiser

Yesterday was another very strong day for us – we added $5000 and 37 donors to our totals. Our current totals are $98,109 from 720 donors. This means that today we could go over $100,000, which would be wonderful and unimaginable just a few days ago. The simplest way of doing this would be to get another 30 donations of any size which would trigger the milestone bonus of $1500 when we reach the 750 supporter total. So please consider adding family members who agree with you on this issue (to make this easier simply email me (Paul@FluorideALERT.org) a list of their names with any donation).

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • If you should experience difficulty in donating online please email: Ellen@fluoridealert.org
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:

Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
105 Kingston Road
Exeter, NH 03833

See all FAN bulletins online