TSCA Trial Hearing This Thursday

The next court status hearing for our TSCA lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over fluoridation’s neurotoxicity is scheduled for Thursday, April 22 at 1:30pm (Pacific US). The focus will be on FAN’s motion to amend our petition to the EPA, which the Judge recommended before he placed the trial in abeyance. The amended version will have a more detailed list of plaintiffs, and will include recent studies that were part of the trial last summer.  While the hearing cannot legally be recorded, you can use the Zoom info below to watch the live proceedings.  FAN will also be providing updates on our Twitter page and in a future bulletin.

Zoom link for the hearing:


Webinar ID: 161 991 1861
Password: 912881

NEW VIDEO: Top Scientists On Fluoride’s Risk To The Developing Brain

FAN has just released a new “must watch, must share” video that’s very relevant to our court case over fluoride’s neurotoxicity. This short video features twelve quotes from prominent brain research scientists on fluoride’s risk to the developing brain. For full quotes and citations visit FAN’s webpage on fluoride neurotoxicity quotes.

(Click on graphic to watch video)

It is vital that pregnant women and parents/carers who formula-feed infants be warned of fluoride’s serious risks to the developing brain.  Pregnant women and infants should not be consuming fluoridated water.  Numerous experts in the field of developmental neurotoxicity have equated the loss of IQ from fluoridation to that from childhood lead poisoning.  They include Bruce Lanphear MD, MPH, Christine Till PhD, and Linda Birnbaum PhD, the former director of NIEHS and NTP.

Loss of IQ has lifelong consequences for the individual, and a profound effect on the social and economic well-being of the nation. We urge our supporters to get this warning into the hands of any scientist, doctor, public health official, educator, media outlet or legislator (at any level) they know.

Thank you,

Jay Sanders
Education & Outreach Director
Fluoride Action Network

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