You asked, we answered. One of our supporters asks: “What are the main health harms middle aged adults face regarding fluoride ingestion?” FAN’s executive director Dr. Paul Connett and FAN’s advisory committee board member Dr. David Kennedy answer this question as part of FAN’s new Q&A video series.

See the full FAN Q&A playlist here:

Fluoride and arthritis: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/issues/health/arthritis/

Fluoride and bone fracture: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/issues/health/bone-fracture/

Fluoride and bone density: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/studies/bone11_/

Fluoride and thyroid: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/issues/health/thyroid/

Fluoride and hypersensitivity: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/issues/health/hypersensitivity/

Join FAN and get our bulletins: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/take-action/join-fan-movement/