FAN has produced a video series and text summaries featuring commentary taken from the declarations of expert witnesses FAN called to testify in federal court during our recent TSCA trial against the EPA.

Dr. Howard Hu

Read the summary of Dr. Hu’s declaration by clicking on the image below:

You can read Dr. Hu’s full Declaration for the trial (his qualifications, opinions, basis for opinions, and references) here.

Dr. Phillipe Grandjean

Read the summary of Dr. Grandjean’s declaration by clicking on the image below:

You can read Dr. Grandjean’s full declaration for the trial (his qualifications, opinions, basis for opinions, and references) here.

Dr. Bruce Lanphear

Read the summary of Dr. Lanphear’s declaration by clicking on the image below:

You can read Dr. Lanphear’s full declaration for the trial (his qualifications, opinions, basis for opinions, and references) here.

Dr. Kathleen Thiessen

Read the summary of Dr. Thiessen’s declaration by clicking on the image below:

You can read Dr. Thiessen’s full declaration for the trial (her qualifications, opinions, basis for opinions, and references) here.