
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

A Clear and Present Danger

Since childhood we have been told that fluoride is good for our teeth. It is added to the water supply of many regions for just that reason. Our children brush regularly with great quantities of it. But fluoride toxicity has been linked to bone disease, infant mortality and brain damage. And the line between safety […]

A Second Look at Fluoride Exposure and Hip Fractures

In critiquing the York Review I spent a considerable time reading the literature on Hip Fractures and exposure to fluoride. I thought readers would find it helpful to have an up-to-date list of the studies published since 1990. While the evidence from these human epidemiological studies is mixed, when the issue is examined in the context of […]

Aluminum, Fluoride, and Hormones

These days there is a great deal of concern about industrial chemicals, such as pesticides, additives to plastics and incinerator emissions, which disrupt the activities of hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers which finely tune and regulate the body’s chemistry. They are produced in specialiazed glands (for example, adrenaline is produced in the adrenal glands) in […]

Another look at Brunelle & Carlos

Recently we received a letter commenting on our analysis of the Brunelle & Carlos (1990) paper. Before we print the letter and Michael’s response, a little background. The Brunelle & Carlos paper was published in the Journal of Dental Research, Volume 69, pages 723-727, in 1990. The paper was the official analysis of the data […]

Advisory Panel Member, Peter Mansfield, on York Review

HealthUK Issue 10/10/2000 Water Fluoride: As Much Harm as Good  by Dr. Peter Mansfield The report of the Systematic Review of the scientific evidence on the benefits and hazards of water fluoridation was published on 6th October. This was commissioned from the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York University by the Department of […]

A Critique of the York Review – by Paul Connett, PhD

A Critique of the York Review (“Fluoridation of Drinking Water: a Systematic Review of its Efficacy and Safety” by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, the University of York, York, UK., published in October 2000.) 1. Introduction. The reviewer’s background. 1.1 I obtained my first degree from Cambridge University in Natural Sciences and my […]

A Response to Phipps’ Study on Hip Fracture

International Fluoride Information Network Oct 11, 2000 Rapid response to Phipps article. Letters-to-the-Editor, British Medical Journal The Phipps study published in the British Medical Journal on Oct 6, 2000 (, is one of the studies on hip fracture which I examined as part of my invited peer review of the York report (A summary of […]