
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

“Fluoride Fundamentals” Video Series

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has created a new video series entitled “Fluoride Fundamentals” to provide the public and decision-makers with a basic understanding of fluoride, to dispel myths surrounding fluoridation, and answer common questions. The videos are short, engaging, science-focused, and meant to be shared far and wide. Fluoride Fundamentals #5: “Natural” Fluoride In […]

An Amazing Fundraising Victory Within Sight

Here is some really exciting news. Because of the wonderful generosity of supporters like you we are very close to reaching our goal of $75,000 a month ahead of schedule. Right now we have reached $71,145 from 433 donors, which means that we will reach our goals with just 67 more donors of any amount. This […]

A Symphony of a Thousand

What piece of music will you play when we end fluoridation? Paul discusses his choice below, but before we get to that, here is an update on our fundraiser for our TSCA lawsuit to force EPA to end water fluoridation. As of April 4, we have raised $41,775 from 250 supporters. Our goals are to […]

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

We need you to be part of our winning team. So far, we have raised $26,654 from 174 donors for our lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Thank you so very much to everyone who has contributed. We need to raise $75,000 by May 31st to be eligible for $150,000 in matching grants! All […]

A very merry Christmas

A very merry Christmas… from the team at FAN. Thank you for your support.  You can follow the fundraiser here. See all FAN bulletins online

2017 FAN Fundraising

We raised $204,102 from 949 donors as of Midnight (east coast time) on Dec 31. Thank you to everyone who made this possible! Anyone who is in the fight to end the reckless practice of water fluoridation knows that we need each other to win this. We pledge to honor your donation by doing our very […]


At 10:00 a.m. on April 16, 1974, 201 students and 12 adults at a rural grammar school in Stanly County, North Carolina, became ill within minutes after drinking orange juice at a morning recess. None of 126 persons who did not drink the juice became ill. No other foods or beverages were served that morning. […]

2017 FAN Conference Presentations

The 6th Citizens Conference on Fluoride, held September 16-18, 2017, was a great success with many informative presentations and constant interaction among campaigners from around the world. FAN has released a series of high-quality videos of the conference presentations that can be viewed below. Water Fluoridation & Disease Prevalence – Declan Waugh (2017 FAN Conference) […]

A Humorous Moment from the 2017 FAN Conference

Above: In a presentation at the 6th annual Citizen’s Conference on Fluoride, Paul Connett, PhD exposes pro-fluoridation quackery and propaganda with levity. Below: Slides from Paul Connett’s presentation on this monumental gaffe from the American Fluoridation Society (President, Dr. Johnny Johnstron, Vice-President Stephen Slott, DDS), one of the most aggressive promoters of fluoride and fluoridated […]