
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.  

New Study: Fluoridation in US Linked to Significant Harm for Children’s Developing Brains

Government funded study found mothers with higher fluoride exposure had children with double the risk of neurobehavioral problems Los Angeles, California (May 20, 2024) – A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on Monday found that in fluoridated Los Angeles, the children of mothers with higher fluoride exposures during pregnancy had double the odds of several neurobehavioral problems compared to mothers with lower exposures.

Fluoridation Review #37

International Consensus Disfavors Systemic Fluoride Use For Caries Prevention in Early Educational Settings An elaborate review of fluoride use in preventing tooth decay by researchers at several British universities has concluded that systemic fluoride exposure is no longer considered important in fighting tooth decay in school settings. “It was agreed that policy makers should prioritise at-risk groups where resources are limited, and that systemic fluoride interventions (flu

Fluoridation Review #36

Ignoring Neurotoxicity Evidence, Albany Approves Water Fluoridation In a move akin to reintroducing lead paint or leaded gasoline, the Albany, New York Common Council voted 12-0 to fluoridate its drinking water on February 22, after months of lobbying behind the scenes by dental interest groups. Albany had never adopted water fluoridation, as it was opposed by a string of mayors. However, current Mayor Kathy Sheehan favors the policy. The sole Common Council member to offer any

Fluoridation Review #35

Nebraska Bill Would Require Cities to “Opt-in” to Fluoridation A bill that would reverse the state mandate for water fluoridation in Nebraska, and would require referendum approval to initiate fluoridation, has been introduced to the Nebraska legislature. Legislative Bill 1387, introduced by State Sen. Ben Hansen of Blair, would set up a referendum vote on whether communities should add fluoridation chemicals to their water supply. In 2008, the Legislature mandated fluoridation for certai

Fluoridation Review #34

Legislation to Reverse Fluoridation Mandate Advances in Kentucky A bill that would allow water systems to decide on their own to repeal water fluoridation received near unanimous approval from the Kentucky House Standing Committee on State Government February 8. House Bill 141, promoted by Rep. Mark Hart, Republican of Falmouth, was approved 16-1, and is being scheduled for a final vote. “It’s a bill that will undo an unfunded state mandate and return…this decision to local control,”

Closing Statements Scheduled For NEXT WEEK

Dear Friends, A major scheduling change occurred at the close of yesterday's proceedings. Closing statements from both the plaintiffs (FAN) and defendants (EPA) will now take place on Tuesday, February 20th at 9:30 a.m. (Pacific) / 12:30 (Eastern). The judge wanted time to watch deposition videos, look over evidence, and prepare a series of key questions for attorneys that he will ask on February 20th. That hearing will also be streamed live for the public on Zoom and will be recorded for futur

WATCH NOW: The Last Days of the #FluorideLawsuit

Dear Friends, The trial continues today with cross-examination of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's key expert witness, Dr. David Savitz, at 8:30 a.m. (Pacific) / 11:30 a.m. (Eastern). It will also start at the same time this Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday if attorneys can't complete their work on Tuesday. Click below to watch or listen live: Watch the Live Stream on Zoom Webinar ID: 161 991 1861 Pa

Summary of Day One From the #FluorideLawsuit 2024 Bench Trial

Dear Friends, Over the next two days, I'll be sending out summaries of the trial for those who were unable to watch or listen live. Remember, it's being recorded, so eventually we should be able to share the full trial video as well as highlight key moments in future bulletins. SUMMARY OF DAY ONE (Wednesday, January 31st) Opening Statement from Plaintiffs Day one started with opening statements from attorneys. Michael Connett was first up for the plaintiffs ( The Fluoride ActionNetwork, Food &

Fluoride On Trial: Federal Trial on the Neurotoxicity of Fluoridation Wraps Up

The Latest The TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit wrapped up on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 after a 3 hour hearing featuring interactive closing statements from both parties, with the judge often interjecting to elicit detailed answers on a list of prepared questions about risk assessment. The judge requested both parties to submit “findings of fact” documents to the court by Friday March 1. We expect a ruling within a few weeks to month after that. We’re feeling as confident as ever we’ll come out on

Fluoridation Review #33

Neurotoxicity Report a Great Success For FAN in 2023 The recognition by the National Toxicology Program that fluoride is neurotoxic to the developing brains of children, the outcome of a process that began long ago with Mullenix, et al’s 1994 report on the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats, and continued with the 2006 National Academies’ report on naturally occurring fluoride in water, was a highpoint of FAN’s campaign to end water fluoridation in 2023 Here are some notes on the re