Tablet fluoridation. New Fluoride Technology Supports Rural Health

New technology could bring fluoridated water to about 19 million people in the United States. March 20 is World Oral Health Day. Oral health is critical to overall health, and oral diseases cause serious pain and infections that may lead to problems eating, speaking, and learning. More than 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases […]

CDC: Fluoride in Private Well Water

Online as of March 11, 2021 My home gets its water from a private well. What do I need to know about fluoride and groundwater from a well? Fluoride is present in virtually all waters and it is important to know the fluoride content of your water, particularly if you have children. The fluoride content […]

Tablet Fluoridation. CDC: New Fluoride Technology Supports Rural Health.

New technology could bring fluoridated water to about 19 million people in the United States. Oral health is critical to overall health, and oral diseases cause serious pain and infections that may lead to problems eating, speaking, and learning. More than 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases globally, according to the World Health Organization. […]

Odisha CM: More than 1000 Fluoride Removal Plants have been installed in Nuapada

Drought prone Nuapada district will transform into a agriculturally rich region noted CM Naveen Patnaik while inaugurating the mega Lower Indra irrigation project today. The much delayed project has taken over two decades for completion. The CM inaugurated and laid foundation stones for projects worth Rs 4000 crore in the district and recalled legendary Biju […]

Councillor Lisa Intemann urges community to make opinion clear on fluoride

A COMMUNITY poll on water fluoridation will be held in conjunction with the September 4 local government elections. The community will be asked: “Yes or no: would you prefer that council stop adding fluoride (hydrofluorosilicic acid) to the public water supply?” The fluoridation debate has been on the table for 30 years since the first […]

Assessment of fluoride removal in a batch electrocoagulation process: A case study in the Mount Meru Enclave.

Abstract The presence of excessive amounts of fluoride than prescribed standards has been reported in various sources of domestic water supply around the slopes of Mount Meru and other parts in Tanzania. Efforts to remove the excessive fluoride have been carried out using various technologies. In this study, electrocoagulation experiments were carried out to assess […]

The termination of the last cryolite pesticide products registered in the United States

Title: Cryolite and Propazine; Notice of Receipt of Request to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Pesticide Registrations *Online at Excerpts SUMMARY: In accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is issuing a notice of receipt of requests by registrants to voluntarily cancel certain pesticide registrations. These requests would terminate the last cryolite […]

Fluoride, Science, and the NTP’s Agenda

In 2019, critics of fluoride and fluoridation were thrilled to see the National Toxicology Program (NTP) draft a monograph citing some of the same safety concerns they had been raising. Citing NTP’s draft document, opponents to fluoridation declared that science was on their side. However, earlier this month, this fallacy came crashing down like a […]

CDHB to vote on pro-fluoridation stance despite having no power to implement it

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The photo below of the child with rotten teeth is a good example of baby bottle tooth decay, due to sucking on a bottle that contains sugar water, milk, soda, etc. Note that it is only the upper teeth that are affected. This decay has nothing to do with whether […]

Hydrogeochemical processes in groundwater in Uganda: a national-scale analysis.

Highlights Dominant ions in groundwater are in sequence: Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ and HCO3–> SO42- > Cl–. Bicarbonate is the dominant anion in 95% of sampled groundwaters. Key processes are biogeochemical weathering and cation exchange. Groundwater is fresh: TDS <8% exceedance of WHO (2011), EC < 1000 uS cm-1 (96%). baseline study for temporal impact of hydrogeochemical processes and human […]