School Dental Care Program Could Cut Cavities in Half: Study

TUESDAY, March 9, 2021 (HealthDay News) — School-based dental care cut cavities in half among thousands of elementary students, a new study says. “The widespread implementation of oral health programs in schools could increase the reach of traditional dental practices and improve children’s oral health — all while reducing health disparities and the cost of […]

Fluoride proponents urge AHS to put teeth into plebiscite effort

A decade ago, city council — without a plebiscite — chose to remove fluoride, but since then studies have shown the move has led to dramatically higher levels of tooth decay, particularly among children A water tap in Calgary was photographed on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021. Calgary city council voted in favour of a fluoride […]

Radhika Iyengar Tackles Educational Inequalities in Developing Countries

This story is part of a series celebrating the work of women at the Earth Institute, in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021. Read more about the day and our related blog posts here. Radhika Iyengar began her career as a library teacher in a Delhi slum while she worked at a […]

IAEA confirms Iran starts enriching uranium with third cascade of IR-2m machines at Natanz

TEHRAN – Iran has started enriching uranium with a third cascade of advanced IR-2m centrifuges at its Natanz nuclear facility, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tells its members, according to Press TV. “On 7 March 2021, the Agency verified … that: Iran had begun feeding natural UF6 into the third cascade of 174 IR-2m […]

Fluoride: Cavities & Hypothyroidism

Fluoride is most effective when applied topically to the surface of the teeth. Therefore, it seems unnecessary for over 3/4 of U.S. tap water to contain the chemical for consumption. Fluoride was introduced in the 1940’s as a tap water additive because it helps kill cavity-causing bacteria on people’s teeth. However, none of our body’s […]

EPA investigates toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in pesticides

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is investigating the presence of toxic chemicals in pesticides, which may be coming from their plastic containers, it said on Friday. The agency said in a statement that its testing showed that the chemicals, belonging to a family of substances called PFAS, were “most likely formed” by a reaction while […]

NZAS looks to export toxic waste stockpiled at Tiwai Point

Robyn Edie/Stuff An aerial photo of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter with Bluff township and Bluff Hill in the backdrop.   New Zealand Aluminium Smelters is exploring options to export more of the toxic waste it has stockpiled at Tiwai Point. The news comes just days after Environment Southland announced it would increase testing and […]

Fluoride removal by thermally treated egg shells with high adsorption capacity, low cost, and easy acquisition

In this study, the use of eggshells was suggested as an adsorbent for fluoride removal, and their mechanism of fluoride removal was investigated. The eggshells underwent thermal treatment to improve their adsorption capacity; 800 °C was found to be the optimal temperature for treatment. Eggshells thermally treated at 800 °C (ES-800) were mainly composed of […]

The risk of fluoridation to babies in the womb, by Dr John Christie

Note from Fluoride Action Network: This article was first published in Organic NZ magazine March/April 2021, and is reproduced with kind permission of the author and publisher Links to the references are at the end. A pdf of the full article is online here. Excerpts: Fluoridation of public water supplies could effectively become compulsory […]

Today: ‘The Evolving Science of Fluoride Neurotoxicity’ with Christine Till.

Wed, March 3, 2021, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST Register for free here: About this Event About the Seminar: Science advances by continuously challenging old ideas and adjusting our way of thinking as new knowledge emerges, even if this means that new evidence conflicts with conventional wisdom. In the past few years, emerging […]