Melbourne City Council incumbents rake in political contributions heading to Election Day

Excerpt: Fluoride fight Last November, the City Council voted 4-3 to continue fluoridating drinking water for customers within city limits and the other communities that Melbourne supplies: Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Melbourne Beach, Melbourne Village, Palm Shores, Satellite Beach, West Melbourne and unincorporated Brevard County south of the Pineda Causeway. Thomas and Minus voted to continue fluoridating […]

ADA urges National Toxicology Program to reconsider monograph

Association sends comments ahead of National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine hearing Washington — The ADA is reaffirming its support of the safety of community water fluoridation and asking the National Toxicology Program to change its classification of fluoride from a presumed neurotoxin to an unknown neurotoxin. The Association shared this request with the […]

Park Hills to continue fluoridation

Excerpt The Park Hills City Council met in regular session last week to vote on several ordinances and resolutions. Council members voted to purchase a new backhoe for the Water Department, buy a new rock crawler for the Public Works Department, enter into agreements for paving projects, and continue the use of fluoride in the […]

Land-use change caused by anthropogenic activities increase fluoride and arsenic pollution in groundwater and human health risk.

Abstract Highlights Groundwater fluoride and arsenic under human lands were highly polluted. The distribution of high fluoride and arsenic in groundwater expanded. The exposure of fluoride and arsenic increased between two land-use periods. Anthropogenic activities could place human at a higher health risk. Policy-makers should take measures to reduce groundwater pollution. Groundwater pollution is becoming […]

TSCA Plaintiffs Charge New NTP Report Underestimates Fluoride’s Risks

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), one of the groups suing EPA to bar drinking water fluoridation under TSCA, says the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) draft monograph showing fluoride exposure can cause cognitive developmental harm in children underestimates risk, particularly at lower exposures, signaling the draft may not provide significant support for the group’s suit. Chris […]

Scientist Attacked for Fluoridation Facts. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Read original article at Story at-a-glance Christine Till, Ph.D., an associate professor at York University in Toronto, Canada, has published several damning studies showing fluoride damages the brain and lowers IQ In 2019, Till received the President’s Emerging Research Leadership Award (PERLA) from York University for her research into the neurotoxicity of fluoride exposure […]

TODAY: Review of the Revised NTP Monograph on Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects (Meeting 2)

Zoom Log-in for October 19 meeting, 1 – 2:30 pm, EST: Attendees will be allowed to enter the Zoom approximately 10 minutes before the open session begins. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 382183 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,93013462154#  or +16513728299,,93013462154# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based […]

Amherst, Nova Scotia, votes no to fluoride

Excerpt: AMHERST, N.S. — While maintaining the status quo in re-electing mayor David Kogon, voters in Amherst decided to make significant changes to the face of town council, with only one incumbent being returned… The plebiscite on adding fluoride to the water was defeated with 2,296 no votes compared to 1,480 yes votes. Kogon said […]

NDA releases report card: Check how Nitish Kumar govt fared on its promises

Excerpt: Ahead of the 2020 Bihar polls, the NDA has released a report card of Nitish Kumar’s work from 2005. Here is a comparative study of the promises fulfilled by him as part of his ‘Saat Nischay’ program released in 2015… 3. The third agenda was to provide clean drinking water and sanitation for everyone. […]

Fluoride In Drinking Water May Be Harming Our Children. We Need To Address It.

Fluoride in drinking water has been a controversial issue, but new research is washing away its image as a safe measure for dental health. It may be doing more harm than good. Here’s why. Since 1945, local governments have added fluoride to public drinking water supplies to reduce the rates of tooth decay. Now, over […]