Mexico Plant’s Acid Leak was Worse than AQMD Model

When air quality officials recommended in January that hydrofluoric acid be banned from use in Los Angeles County, oil and chemical industry spokesmen attacked their report as “unrealistic,” saying it was predicated on such a large release of the chemical that no accident of that magnitude is likely to occur. However, The Times has learned […]

Caries Preventative Already Has One Rap Against It

The unexpected positive results from the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) rodent study of fluoride carcinogenicity will make it difficult for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) not to classify fluoride a carcinogen, thereby terminating 40 years of public-water fluoridation in the United States. Validated pathology results officially released by the NTP showed that, among male rats, […]

Don’t Drink the Water?

Remember the great fluoride debate? Back in the 1950s, every voice of authority, from the U.S. Public Health Service to the PTA, supported adding fluoride to the water supply as an effective and totally safe way to promote healthy teeth. The only opponents seemed to be John Birchers and other extremists who regarded the scheme […]

The Fluoride Debate: One More Time

THE 40-YEAR-OLD CONTROVERSY over the use of fluoride in drinking water threatens to erupt from dormancy this month as the government gets ready to make public new data on fluoride’s cancer-causing potential. Since the 1940s, sodium fluoride has been added to toothpaste and public water systems to prevent tooth decay. Opponents have resisted the practice […]

Sicily: Accumulation of volcanogenic fluoride by vegetation: Mt. Etna, Sicily

Abstract: Fluoride was measured in samples of lichen and grass collected in 1987 from over 50 sites on the slopes of Mt. Etna. Raised levels of fluoridewere detected on the downwind, eastern side, indicating that the volcano’s plume is the principal source of the fluorides. Lichens proved to be more sensitive than grasses in determining […]

Fluoride Linked to Bone Cancer in Fed Study

FLUORIDE appears to have caused bone cancer in rodents in a recently completed National Toxicology Progran (NTP) study, and the chemical is now at risk of being classified a carcinogen, according to internal documents and statements obtained by MEDICAL TRIBUNE from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Early this year, EPA received a phone call from […]

Fluoride Linked to Bone Cancer in Fed Study

FLUORIDE appears to have caused bone cancer in rodents in a recently completed National Toxicology Progran (NTP) study, and the chemical is now at risk of being classified a carcinogen, according to internal documents and statements obtained by MEDICAL TRIBUNE from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Early this year, EPA received a phone call from […]

Farm fluoride poisonings fight won

A FARMING couple won a two-year court battle yesterday to end fluoride contamination of their property near Cygnet. For most of the past 13 years, Mr John Braim and his wife Sylvia have been baffled by excessive losses of sheep and cattle on their prime grazing paddocks at Nicholls Rivulet. Two years ago, they traced […]

Stop polluting Whitby’s sewers, residents urge

Durham Region councillors should prevent a steel company from dumping any more contaminated chemicals into the town’s sewer system, says a Whitby residents’ group. The province’s environment ministry and the regional works department allowed Lasco Steel to release 3,155,097 litres (694,038 gallons) of industrial waste into Whitby’s sewage treatment plant from May to July because […]