Citizens of Brazil’s Valley of Death breathing easier after two years of cleanup

CUBATAO, Brazil – People are breathing cleaner air in this industrial city, long considered one of the world’s most polluted and known in Brazil as the Valley of Death. The United Nations-affiliated World Health Organization and local ecological groups say that a $500-million government cleanup program has produced substantial improvements in pollution levels in Cubatao, […]

Nader Says EPA Underestimates Water Intake

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency has set drinking water contamination standards that underestimate how much water some people drink, according to consumer activist Ralph Nader and an agency employees union. “This policy needs to be re-evaluated,” Nader said in a letter to EPA Administrator Lee M. Thomas released Saturday. Nader said EPA has set […]

Mystery cloud leads to search of records

TAMPA – State environmental officials Friday began searching through records of a phosphate company and interviewing Polk County residents who said they became ill after breathing fumes from a mile-long gas cloud. State officials said US Agri-Chemical company near Fort Meade may be responsible for causing the gas cloud Wednesday over parts of Polk and […]

The Science and Politics of Fluoride

Dental and medical groups have been battling anti-fluoridationists since the first dose of fluoride was metered into the water of Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1945. For decades, it seemed that dentistry was winning those battles – that science was prevailing over the rhetoric of the antifluoridationists. Today the battle lines are not so clearly drawn. […]

Vikane: Exterminator, 2 Employes Indicted in 2 Va. Deaths

Note from FAN: Vikane is Sulfuryl Fluoride, it’s molecular structure is: The Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. and two of its employes were indicted today on two counts each of involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of a Southwest Virginia couple allegedly poisoned by a fumigant sprayed at their house, the Grayson County, Va., prosecutor said. A […]

Water Fluoridation Challenged

Fluoridation of water, long credited with the large decline in tooth decay in much of the world during recent decades, might actually have played only a minor role, an Australian public health researcher has concluded after reviewing many previous studies. However, an official of the American Dental Association challenged the interpretation, asserting that many studies […]

Phosphate, cattle deaths link explored

Normally, George Elder’s Brahman calves are worth $500 at birth. And during some 30 years he has lost only one calf at birth. This year, however, three calves have died shortly after birth and another three have been born almost too weak to nurse. Preliminary autopsy reports from a state lab indicate a combination of […]

Keysville air quality to be monitored

The state department of Environmental Regulation will put monitoring equipment in the Keysville area to test air quality there, residents were told Friday night. Dr. Rick Garrity, district manager of DER’s office in Tampa, told about a dozen Keysville residents that the mobile air monitoring equipment would be available in early April for about three […]

30 Exposed to Corrosive Gas Monitored for Uranium Peril

GORE, Okla., Jan. 9 – Thirty workers who were exposed to a corrosive radioactive gas here will be closely monitored for several weeks to see if they suffer any permanent health effects, according to a nuclear radiation expert who is following their progress. The expert, Dr. Carl Bogardus, who is director of radiation therapy at […]

Radioactive Material Leaks into Air for Three Weeks

PIKETON, Ohio – Radioactive material used to enrich uranium for nuclear reactors leaked for three weeks from a U.S. Department of Energy plant before being detected, but the company said Sunday that there were no abnormal levels in the air. The leak of 108.8 pounds of uranium hexafluoride was discovered Friday, said Tim Matchett of […]