Perils of developing too fast: Brazil’s case study of pollution

Cubatao, Brazil – A visitor’s first impression of this town 20 miles southeast of Sao Paulo is smoke. It hovers in soup-thick clouds – of fluoride gas, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, and carbon monoxide – that often blot out the sun for days. The next thing the visitor notices is the stench, a suffocating smell of […]

Cities facing a shortage of fluoride additive

LAKELAND, Fla., Aug. 11— A growing number of cities are facing severe shortages of fluoride additives used in water supplies to prevent tooth decay. Twelve cities in the West and Middle West, including Seattle, Youngstown, Ohio, and Green Bay, Wis., have been forced to halt their fluoridation programs, according to Arthur Jackson, a public health […]

Two Down and 22 to Go

Industries that discharge wastes into rivers, lakes and streams are required by law to clean up their acts by 1984. The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued regulations for the iron and steel industry, one of the 24 for which EPA must draw up standards. The new rules–designed to remove pollutants such as ammonia, fluoride, solids, […]

Dog Ailments May be Tied to Pet Foods

A series of mysterious dog ailments at Allegan kennels may be the fault of pet foods containing high levels of fluoride, the state’s Toxic Substance Control Commission said today. The state agency called on pet food manufacturers to voluntarily begin taking steps to prevent high levels of fluoride from being introduced to dog and cat […]

Determination of fluoride in cement and related materials

Abstract This paper describes the determination of fluoride in cement and cement-related materials using a fluoride ion selective electrode. Different sample preparation methods and complexing buffers were investigated. It was concluded that the fluoride electrode offers a rapid and accurate method for fluoride determination in cement and cement-related materials when a suitable buffer medium capable […]

Skawina Aluminum Factory to be Closed Because of Pollution

As it has no filters at all, the enterprise, situated near Cracow, ”emits into the environment more than 1,700 t of pure fluorine, of which more than 800t finds its way into the environment in the most dangerous form, hydrogen fluoride”. This is the reason for the particularly high incidence of inflammation of the respiratory […]

New Menace in Brazil’s ‘Valley of Death’ Strikes at Unborn

CUBATAO, Brazil, Sept. 19 – The already distressed atmosphere of this city has now become filled with alarm over the discovery of greatly accelerated rates of stillbirths and fetuses with ghastly deformities. One of Latin America’s largest petrochemical centers and one of the most polluted communities on earth, Cubatao rests atop coastal lowlands intersected by […]

The St. Regis Syndrome

Long before Canada or the United States existed, Mohawks fished, hunted, trapped and farmed those islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence that are now known as the St. Regis Akwesasne Indian Reserve. But since 1959 a plague has fallen on their land, killing their livestock, destroying their agriculture, ripping apart the very fabric of […]