Legal battle over water fluoridation continues

A legal battle regarding community water fluoridation continues in federal court. After postponing a ruling on whether or not the level of fluoride in community drinking water brings risk to public health in late June, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen held a status conference on Thursday. During the conference, Chen met with the attorneys […]

Judge Suggests New TSCA Section 21 Petition Be Filed Regarding Fluoride in Drinking Water

On July 31, 2020, the plaintiffs and EPA filed a joint case management statement in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California case seeking a rulemaking under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to prohibit the addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water supplies.  Food & Water Watch, Inc. v. […]

Smile Spokane Network

Fluoride protects your teeth, keeping your whole body healthy. And that’s the opposite of scary. The Benefits of Fluoride Community water fluoridation will ensure everyone in our community can enjoy better oral health, overall health, and well-being. Fluoride is nature’s cavity fighter, a mineral found in most lakes, rivers, and oceans. But it’s usually found […]

Editorial: It’s time to fluoridate Spokane’s water

Note from Fluoride Action Network This is a shockingly ill-informed editorial. We urge the editorial staff at The Spokesman-Review (and the state’s proponents) to turn the channel and begin reading the science, starting with the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies and the published literature. (EC) Three public health advocates recently kicked a hornets’ nest when they asked […]

INSIGHT: Fluoridation Case Challenges EPA Chemical Evaluation

A lawsuit in federal court challenging fluoridation is one of the first cases under the TSCA’s citizen-suit provision to reach trial, and may embolden similar groups’ efforts to compel the EPA to reevaluate chemicals it has long-determined safe, Hanson Bridgett LLP attorneys Davina Pujari and Cole Benbow write. A trial in federal court breaks new […]

Rockport Town Meeting Saturday morning

ROCKPORT — Town Meeting will consider a 26-article warrant beginning Saturday at 8 a.m. The event will be held outdoors on the soccer field at Rockport High School on Jerden’s Lane. Registered voters will finally have the opportunity to confirm the town’s proposed $36.5 million budget for fiscal 2021, which began July 1. Selectmen previously approved one-twelfth of […]

OP-ED: Pell City needs to add fluoride back to its water supply

Approximately 10 years ago, the then-Pell City administration removed optimal fluoride supplementation from the Pell City water system. This was done without notice to residents or without the required notice to the Alabama Department of Public Health. In fact ADPH sites still show Pell City’s water supply as fluoridated. The annual Water Quality Report shows […]

Judge Orders Fluoride Opponents to Refile Petition with the EPA in Historic #FluorideTrial

The judge in the ongoing fluoride trial has decided to post-pone a ruling and ordered the plaintiffs to file a new petition with the EPA. On Thursday, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen once again delayed a ruling in the case between the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Judge Chen […]