You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science

“Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering […]

Hydrogeochemical Evaluation, Suitability, and Health Risk Assessment of Groundwater in the Watershed of Godavari Basin, Maharashtra, Central India.

Abstract In this investigation, the geochemical progression of a total of 31 groundwater samples of pre-monsoon season was assessed with categorization based on entropy weight water quality index and risk assessment on public health in the semi-arid area of Godavari basin, Maharashtra, Central India. Graphically, the major groundwater types identified were Ca–HCO3, mixed Ca–Mg–Cl, and […]

ADA: Fluoridation series on tap through July

Three ADA continuing education webinars remain in July in honor of the 75th anniversary of community water fluoridation. The ADA Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention is presenting the series, which include CE credit for each. The remaining three webinars are: • July 14: Fluoridation Advocacy: How to Share Evidence-Based Findings to Lay Audiences, […]

Moon crows over Korea defeating Japan’s export curbs

President Moon Jae-in examines the purity of hydrogen fluoride gas though a electron microscopic on Thursday at SK hynix’s plant in Icheon, Gyeonggi. [YONHAP] President Moon Jae-in vowed to build Korea into a dominant producer of high-tech materials, parts and equipment — turning export restrictions by Japan into opportunity — during a visit to an […]

Incredible Information from HHS: “What can I do to limit my exposure to fluoride”

Note from the Fluoride Action Network The following content was “last reviewed on July 9, 2020” less than one month after the close of the TSCA trial on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. The following information gives no indication, whatsoever, to the fact that in fluoridated communities, where over 200 million Americans live, the fetus and the formula-fed […]

Landmark Trial on Water Fluoridation & EPA on Pause Until August 6.

Search the for the word “fluoride” or “fluoridation” at every broadcast-news-station Web site and the two (for now) daily-newspaper Web sites in the Quad Cities and you will not find one mention of a recent landmark trial over the controversial practice of medicating local water supplies with fluoride under the auspices of topically treating one’s […]

A Sad Day For Waverley As Toxic Waste Is Added To Its Water Supply

Toxic industrial waste fluoride is now being added to Waverley’s water supply, in a vain attempt to reduce tooth decay rates. The only thing it will lower is Waverley children’s IQ, according to the latest science. The latest research from Canada, funded by the US National Institutes of Health, confirms that bottle-fed babies living in […]

Water for Formula: Which Type Should You Use?

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The article states, “Boiling tap water doesn’t change how much fluoride is in it.” Incorrect. If water is boiled for a longer time fluoride will concentrate in it. For example, if you put 2 liters of fluoridated water (1.4 ppm fluoride) water in your kettle and most boils away, with […]

Hydrogeochemical and statistical analysis of high fluoride groundwater in northern China

Abstract Understanding the formation of high fluoride (F–) groundwater in water-scarce northern China is critical for the sustainable development of the region. This study investigates the effects of F– enrichment in groundwater from seven typical regions of northern China, including Datong, Guide, Junggar, Yinchuan, Taiyuan, and Tarim basins and the North China Plain. A literature […]

SmileDirect sues big insurer over coverage denials

Also: AAC looks to break leases via bankruptcy SmileDirectClub executives have filed lawsuits against two Delta Dental plans over the insurance carriers’ alleged reluctance to cover teledentistry services. The complaints by Nashville-based SmileDirect, which has been aggressive in court over other licensing and intellectual property matters, say Delta Dental affiliates based in Illinois and California […]