Dannevirke to get fluoride in water as plans go ahead for town plant

The Tararua District Council will go ahead with a fluoridation plant in Dannevirke after the Ministry of Health revealed it will fund the project and has granted it an extension. The plant was required by the-then director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield in July 2022, but after a hearing last year, the council paused the progress. The pause allowed for the High […]

Rutland votes to keep fluoride in city water

Rutland city voters spoke loud and clear Tuesday that they want to keep fluoride in the municipal water. A ballot article asking voters to approve a Rutland charter change that would ban fluoride from the city water supply failed on Town Meeting Day. There were 2,031 votes against the proposal and 1,334 in favor of it, according to […]

Stanly commissioners hear views on fluoride in water

Fluoridation of drinking water was discussed at length at Monday’s meeting of the Stanly County Board of Commissioners. Harold Schomecker spoke to commissioners with an update regarding a recent decision by Union County commissioners to remove fluoride from municipal drinking water. S chomecker said he was coming before the board “as a citizen and not […]

Stanly County commissioners hold discussion on removing fluoride from water Monday

STANLY COUNTY, N.C. — Monday night, the Stanly County Board of Commissioners discussed whether the county should remove fluoride from the water. The debate was one of the first orders of business on the meeting agenda for Monday. There aren’t many details available about the plans for the discussion. There was no vote at Monday night’s meeting. […]

Board of health asks Kingston city council to consider water fluoridation

Members of the Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Board of Health voted in favour of asking Kingston city council to examine fluoridation for the city’s water, following a dramatic increase in tooth decay in area children. The board passed a motion in favour of the request during its regular meeting on Wednesday. It also […]

Fluoride Science on Trial: EPA May Be Forced to Remove Neurotoxin from Drinking Water

A federal judge in California is poised to decide in the next few weeks whether fluoride added to the drinking water of more than 200 million Americans is harmful to children’s developing brains and whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should be forced to restrict its use.  The landmark trial in Food & Water Watch Inc. v. EPA began on Feb. […]

Council election hopefuls urged to back water fluoridation as Queensland local government polls loom

Fluoridated water is a political hot potato few leaders in Queensland seem willing to take on. As voters prepare to head to the polls to elect their local councils for the next four years, new Premier Steven Miles is steering clear of the controversial public health issue. Instead, he’s following his predecessor Annastacia Palaszczuk’s mantra […]

Fluoride Free Cumbria to host health discussion in Cockermouth

West Cumbria residents and wider Cumberland locals are invited to a Q&A session on Thursday, March 14 at 7pm, held at the Kirkgate in Cockermouth. The event has been organised in light of the reintroduction of hexafluorosilicic acid into the West Cumbria water supply. Attendees, which could include local prospective parliamentary candidates and Cumberland councillors, […]

Kentucky Dental Association leader: fluoridation of water has become a ‘passion issue’

The Kentucky Dental Association opposes a bill in the General Assembly that would give local water districts the ability to opt out of fluoride treatments. HB 141 easily passed the House State Government Committee in early February, despite strong opposition from several medical groups. Stephen Robertson is the executive director of the Kentucky Dental Association. […]

Opinion: A Black Dallas School Teacher Opened the Door to Fluoride’s History

A Dallas African American school teacher opened the door to a dark, hidden history.  It is the history of secret human experiments by the government, universities and industry during World War 2 and the Cold War.  It is the history of water fluoridation and the toxic, multi-fluorinated PFAS “Forever Chemicals” like Teflon and Scotchgard.  Prior to World War 2, no one […]