The role of fluoroaluminate complexes on the adsorption of fluoride onto hydrous alumina in aqueous solutions

Note from Fluoride Action Network: “Since all methods [to remove fluoride] produce a sludge with very high concentration of fluoride that has to be disposed of, only water for drinking and cooking purposes should be treated, particularly in the developing countries.” Reference: Fluorosis (see Interventions), World Health Organization Abstract Activated alumina (AA) has been extensively […]

Fluoride removal by Ca-Al-CO3 layered double hydroxides at environmentally-relevant concentrations.

Highlights Ca–Al–CO3 layered double hydroxides showed affinity for F– at 2–12 mg/L. A higher F– removal capacity at lower pH and lower temperature was observed. Only marginal defluorination improvements by calcination/microwave treatment. Fast F– uptake during the initial 20?min and little anions competition was observed. F– removal capacity is not necessarily reflected in specific surface […]

Public Trust in Tap Water May Hinge on Fluoride Link to Child IQ

National Academies committee to review finding that high fluoride exposure could decrease children’s IQ Final assessment could influence local governments’ decisions to fluoridate water supplies A federal agency’s preliminary finding that high concentrations of fluoride may decrease children’s IQ will, if finalized, be hard to explain to the public, scientists said Nov. 6. The National […]

Air Force Updates Massive Ordnance Penetrator Bombs Amid New Iranian Nuclear Posturing

The U.S. Air Force is continuing to update its stockpile of 30,000-pound class Massive Ordnance Penetrator bunker busters, or MOPs, and bring older MOPs up to the latest standard, also known as the GBU-57E/B. This comes as Iran has announced that it will begin injecting uranium hexafluoride gas into centrifuges at its underground nuclear facility […]

AP Explains: Iran reopens uranium plant in its latest gamble

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – says it has restarted production at a “major” uranium facility involved in its nuclear program, though it still pledges to follow the terms of the country’s landmark atomic deal now under threat after President Donald Trump pulled America out of the accord. Iranian comments about the Isfahan plant, which produces material […]

Fluoride campaigners call for Bedford Borough Council to hold overdue consultation

Campaigners from Fluoride Free Bedford say they have been waiting for three years for a consultation to end a contract with Anglian Water to prevent fluoride returning to the Borough’s water supply. In 2016, the borough council voted in favour of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation to adopt the precautionary principle on the issue of water fluoridation, ending the (almost) fifty […]

North Attleboro. Editorial: Our View: Arrogance at North’s DPW

Pretend that your boss ordered you to do something. Now, pretend you ignored that order — for eight years. And you not only ignored the order, but you kept it hidden from your boss that entire time. What would you expect? You would expect to be fired, of course. We expect nothing less should happen […]

Half empty: Officials, others dread thought of another fluoride vote in North Attleboro

A 2000 referendum on whether to put fluoride into the public drinking water tore the town apart with frequent infighting and hard feelings, and now North Attleboro may have to relive that experience. The prospect of another fluoride referendum has many town officials and residents aghast as they remember the fight over the last referendum […]

Evaluation of the reliability of human teeth matrix used as a biomarker for fluoride environmental pollution.

Abstract Highlights Environmental contamination by heavy metals has been a matter of great concern in many countries for several decades. Human exposure to such elements may cause adverse health effects and young children are particularly at risk. Several studies have analyzed animals’ teeth to evaluate the relationship between increased fluoride exposure and dental fluorosis, however […]

Maternal Fluoride and IQ – The Scientific Community Pushes Back

A follow-up on a questionable study of the impact on water fluoridation and IQ. Science marches on, and we’re helping it out! This past August (2019), a prospective cohort study by Green et al. was published in JAMA Pediatrics, a well-respected, high impact medical journal, entitled “Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ […]