Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: American Council on Science and Health.

No, Fluoride Doesn’t Lower IQ. It Fails to Satisfy Hill’s Criteria of Causality By Alex Berezow Because Americans have a conspiracy theory about everything, of course there’s a conspiracy involving drinking water. Didn’t you know that fluoride, which is added to our drinking water to keep our teeth healthy (and is considered one of the […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: American Council on Science and Health.

No, Fluoride Doesn’t Lower IQ. It Fails to Satisfy Hill’s Criteria of Causality By Alex Berezow Because Americans have a conspiracy theory about everything, of course there’s a conspiracy involving drinking water. Didn’t you know that fluoride, which is added to our drinking water to keep our teeth healthy (and is considered one of the […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: JAMA editors discuss the study.

Discussion with JAMA Pediatrics Editors’ Dimitri Christakis, MD, MPH, Editor in Chief, and Frederick Rivara, MD, MPH, Editor in Chief of JAMA Network Open, for the August 19, 2019 issue Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada Multimedia Audio Summary 12 min 41 sec Download MP3 Subscribe to […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: Daily Mail (UK).

Pregnant women who drink fluoride-treated water may have children with lower IQs – but only if they give birth to boys, new study suggests By Mary Kekatos, Health Reporter Researchers measured fluoride samples found in a mother’s urine and conducted IQ tests in children between the ages of 3 and 4 For every increase of […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: American Academy of Pediatrics.

AAP continues to recommend fluoride following new study on maternal intake and child IQ By Melissa Jenco, News Content Editor The Academy continues to recommend children drink fluoridated tap water despite a new study linking fluoride intake among pregnant women with a small dip in their children’s IQ. “There are thousands of articles pointing to […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: United Press International (UPI).

Fluoride during pregnancy linked to lower IQ in children By Dennis Thompson, HealthDay On average, a 1 milligram-per-liter increase in maternal urinary fluoride was associated with a 4.5-point lower IQ score in boys by the time they reached ages 3 to 4, researchers report. Photo courtesy of HealthDay News. Aug. 8 (UPI) — Fluoride is […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: Science.

Drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy may lower IQ in sons, controversial study says By Michael Price First piloted as an experiment to reduce dental cavities in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945, fluoridated drinking water has since been hailed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as “one of public health’s greatest […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: Science Media Centre.

Note from Fluoride Action Network: Science Media Centre Promotes Corporate Views of Science July 20, 2017 by Stacy Malkan “The Science Media Centre (SMC) is a nonprofit PR agency started in the UK that gets its largest block of funding from industry groups. Current and past funders include Bayer, DuPont, Monsanto, Coca-Cola and food and […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: Medscape Psychiatry, Aug 19.

Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and IQ in Kids: Is There a Link? By Tara Haelle PAGE 1 Pregnant women’s fluoride intake was associated with a reduction in their children’s IQ at ages 3 to 5 years, in an observational study published online today in JAMA Pediatrics. … “Given there was limited evidence to support or refute […]

Canadian Mother-Offspring IQ Study: Reuters.

Study prompts call for lower fluoride consumption by pregnant women By Gene Emery (Reuters Health) – Adding fluoride to the water supply prevents tooth decay, but women who drink fluoridated water during pregnancy may also trim the IQs of their male children by a few points, according to a Canadian study that suggests a serious […]