Reader letter: Fluoridating Windsor water is the wrong decision

It is a mistake for Windsor to adopt water fluoridation. City council has decided to fluoridate despite data and science that does not support water fluoridation. The following facts are easily available to anyone with even a modest interest in the topic: 1.    The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that 97 per cent of Western […]

Council postpones fluoridation report presentation

Note from the Fluoride Action Network Not mentioned in this article is Safe Water Calgary’s Statement in Opposition to Artificial Water Fluoridation. A Refutation of the CADTH Report on Community Water Fluoridation of 2019. This report was submitted to the Calgary City Council and the O’Brien Institute of Public Health on July 17 for their […]

States using ‘safe drinking water fund’ in a trickle; 40% unspent

Since FY17, States have spent  [rupee]2,811 cr of  [rupee]4,690 cr allotted Nearly 40 per cent of the [rupee] 4,690 crore allocated to States to provide safe drinking water in areas where arsenic and fluoride contamination is high has been lying unspent for the last three years, the Rajya Sabha was told on Monday. The Centre […]

U.S. senators seek EPA review of hydrogen fluoride after refinery fires

Senators want EPA-approved risk management plans reviewed after severe malfunctions at three U.S. refineries that use hydrogen fluoride. Liquid asphalt gushes from a ruptured tank at the Husky Energy Refinery as seen in this aerial photo from the morning of April 26, 2018. (2018 File / News Tribune)   Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., joined by […]

Decades of distrust: South Koreans angry at Japan’s export curbs

Many people in South Korea have never forgiven Japan for wartime atrocities, resulting in periodic trade disputes. Thousands of South Korean protesters vented their anger at Japan’s wartime atrocities after Tokyo’s move to restrict exports of chemicals crucial for South Korea’s electronics industry opened old wounds [Reuters] This is the first of a two-part series […]

Ethiopia’s water problem: Excessive fluoride treated with bones

See fascinating short video at the start of this short article High fluoride levels in water cause teeth discolouration and in extreme cases, bone decay. In many countries, fluoride is added to water and toothpaste to make teeth stronger. But, when there is too much fluoride, it can be toxic. In Ethiopia, at least 16 […]

EPA restores use of pesticide opposed by beekeepers

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The following is the molecular structure for Sulfoxaflor, a fluorinated pesticide. Also see June 17th press release  from the Center for Biological Diversity on EPA’s exemption for Sulfoxaflor titled: Trump EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ Use of Bee-killing Pesticide on 13.9 Million Acres.  (See more information)   ______________________________________________ WASHINGTON—The Environmental Protection Agency […]

93 villages in Bengaluru Urban hit by fluorosis

Bengaluru: Bengaluru Urban district administration recently identified 93 villages, where residents are suffering from fluorosis, once again bringing to the fore the issue of unsafe drinking water. Fluorosis is a chronic condition where teeth and bones get affected, at times even leading to permanent damage. People who consume water with fluoride content or vegetables rich […]

Time to listen to Pro-fluoridation agencies raising alarms

The O’Brien Institute for Public Health at Calgary University has just released their report on fluoridation. This institute has, up to now, been staunchly in favour of fluoridation. However, yesterday, with regards to fluoride’s effect on the brain, they say “The new emerging studies in this domain need to be tracked very closely, and carefully […]