The Fluoride Trial

It has been a whirlwind. Beginning on January 31, 2024 and ending on February 20th, those of us who were interested were able to Zoom into the live trial held in the U.S. 9th District Courtroom of Judge Edward Chen in San Francisco, CA. The lawsuit, brought by the Food & Water Watch et al. against the Environmental […]

NZ: Water Fluoridation court decision update.

A recent High Court judgment has kept in place directions issued to local authorities to fluoridate drinking water supplies. The judgment has also directed the Director-General of Health to assess whether each of the directions for local authorities is a demonstrably justified limit on the right of persons in those districts to refuse medical treatment. […]

The Fluoride Lawsuit Comes to an End: Federal Judge to Decide the Future of Water Fluoridation

On Tuesday, Michael Connett, lead attorney representing the Fluoride Action Network and plaintiffs, made his final attempt to convince U.S. district judge Edward Chen that the 80-year-old practice of water fluoridation is lowering IQ in children and should be banned. Throughout the proceedings of the final day of the lawsuit, Connett argued that despite uncertainty […]


Senators Richard Durbin, D-Ill, and Roger Marshall, R-Kan, introduced a bill that would reauthorize programs relating to oral health promotion and disease prevention by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) through 2028. The bill, S. 3597, the Promoting Dental Health Act, was applauded by the American Dental Association and highlighted the federal government’s role in preventing […]

High water fluoride levels in Oxford County: Brownsville, Ingersoll, Lakeside, Mount Elgin, Oxford South

Excerpt from article titled Minerals in drinking water could pose limited health risks: Public health. The Woodstock area’s public health unit has issued another public reminder about the levels of naturally present fluoride and sodium in some of Oxford County’s municipal drinking water. Southwestern public health officials, who regularly issue these reminders, said these naturally […]

UK. Something in the water: opening the public health law policy window for fluoridation?

Abstract: Alongside the more widely debated provisions relating to the organisation and delivery of healthcare services in the National Health Service in England, the Health and Care Act 2022 contains measures relating to public health. This article offers a critical examination of one of these, that relating to fluoridation of water supplies. The nature of […]

Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up.

THE DEFENDER. A landmark trial that could determine the future of water fluoridation in the U.S. ended Tuesday with attorneys for the environmental groups and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency responding to questions from federal Judge Edward Chen. A landmark trial that could determine the future of water fluoridation in the U.S. ended Tuesday with […]

Nebraska proposal would put local water fluoridation to public referendum

State Sen. Ben Hansen seeks to let more Nebraskans decide on water fluoridation across the state after a 2008 mandate allowed cities to opt-out. LINCOLN — Conversations about water fluoridation may be on the horizon for more Nebraska cities or villages, in light of a legislative proposal under consideration this session. Legislative Bill 1387, introduced by […]

Morehead leaders discuss possible effects of proposed water fluoridation bill

A bill on its way through the Kentucky General Assembly would make putting fluoride into water systems across the commonwealth optional, and local officials are weighing the pros and cons. House Bill 141, sponsored in part by Republican Representative Richard White, aims to allow the governing bodies of water systems to decide whether they participate […]