Legal tussle over fluoride in US tap water and link to IQ.

JUTA MEDICAL BRIEF. A US courtroom is the battleground for a scientific clash between experts over a report suggesting fluoride can affect brain development, and whether the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should ban this mineral in drinking water to protect foetuses and children from the risk of neurodevelopmental problems. The case, being heard in […]

Fluoride’s Brain Impact Revealed: EPA Scientist’s Stunning Testimony Unveiled.

USA HERALD. In a courtroom drama gripping the nation, the long-awaited trial on the dangers of fluoride in America’s drinking water reached its climactic conclusion. As the defense rested its case on Tuesday, a bombshell revelation emerged: fluoride, a stalwart of dental health campaigns, could inflict “neurodevelopmental harm,” according to an EPA scientist. Unveiling the […]

Landmark Trial Challenges EPA’s Water Fluoridation Policies Amidst Neurodevelopmental Concerns.

BNN. In a landmark trial, the Fluoride Action Network challenges EPA water fluoridation policies, spotlighting potential neurodevelopmental risks for fetuses and children. The trial scrutinizes expert testimonies, including the EPA’s primary witness, David Savitz, and raises concerns about conflicts of interest. In a landmark trial, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) challenges the US Environmental Protection […]

Some in Michigan hoping to change minds about drinking water and fluoridation

It takes two to three hours for Kevin Villalta to filter and distill a gallon of tap water, and he says the process is as expensive as it is time-consuming. But it’s worth it, said the Lansing environmental engineer, who works for the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. A couple of months ago, […]

Fluoride Can Harm Brain, EPA Scientist Says As Trial Wraps.

LAW360. EXCERPT. The government wrapped its defense Tuesday in a California federal bench trial over environmental groups’ efforts to ban fluoride in America’s drinking water, with the government’s final witness acknowledging under cross-examination that fluoride is capable of causing “neurodevelopmental harm.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientist Stanley Barone Jr., who helps conduct risk evaluations for […]

Tablet Fluoridation. Marathon struggles to make fluoride tablets work.

Marathon City’s new fluoridation system, which was started in 2022 with help from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), is in jeopardy of being discontinued due to difficulties in heating the water used to dissolve fluoride tablets. For over a year now, village officials have been trying to find a method of heating its […]

Medicated without consent? Collier leaders halt fluoride being added in drinking water.

After three hours of public testimony on the merits and harms of fluoride being added to the county’s drinking water, the Collier County Commission voted unanimously to end the practice. Tuesday’s decision was largely based on the county’s Health Freedom Bill of Rights ordinance adopted last year to safeguard the healthcare freedoms of residents and […]

EPA Paid Expert Witness $137,000 to Testify in Landmark Fluoride Trial.

THE DEFENDER. Over nearly three days of testimony, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s first key witness in the landmark fluoride trial, David Savitz, Ph.D., downplayed the link between fluoride and IQ loss in children. The EPA paid Savitz at least $137,000 to testify. Over nearly three days of testimony, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) […]

Take fluoride out of Collier water? Commissioners to discuss removing it.

Like vaccines, fluoridated water has become a flashpoint in a passionate public health dispute, with both sides accusing the other of disinformation. While advocates say it’s made a huge difference in dental health by reducing cavities in teeth, opponents say it’s toxic industrial waste being forced on an unsuspecting public. Tuesday morning, Collier commissioners are […]

Bid to force14 councils to fluoridate heads back to court.

The Health Ministry is appealing a High Court decision that found its order forcing 14 councils to fluoridate was unlawful. Some councils have paused their plans to fluoridate town supplies, while they wait for the legal matters to be sorted. The High Court found in November that former Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield did […]