Dentists ‘shocked and appalled’ Wellington water unfluoridated for 10 months

Wellington Water chair Lynda Carroll announces an independent inquiry into the fluoridation of water, and says Wellington’s water supply has not been fluoridated for up to ten months. The lack of fluoride in Wellington’s water supply for 10 months will cause “pain and suffering” as people suffer from tooth decay, a dental expert says. Wellington […]

Inquiry announced into lack of fluoridation in Wellington water

Wellington’s water company has revealed it stopped adding fluoride to the water supply last year. Waikato DHB says it’s time to fluoridate again. Photo: AFP Earlier this week it said it had been happening since last month after a review found health and safety risks at two water treatment plants. But at a meeting this […]

Catasauqua discusses fluoride in municipal water

Under a tight deadline from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to make a decision whether to eliminate fluoride from Catasauqua municipal water or shift to a new system to keep fluoride in the borough’s water, Catasauqua Borough Council, at its workshop meeting March 7, leaned toward the latter. Since the meeting was a workshop, […]

Anupam Rasayan completes Tanfac Industries acquisition of 24.96%

Anupam Rasayan India Ltd.(“ARIL”), one of India’s leading custom synthesis and specialty chemical player, announced the consummation of recently announced acquisition. The Company has completed the acquisition of 24.96% of the total equity shareholding of and joint control of Tanfac Industries Limited (“TIL”) from Birla Group Holdings Private Limited (“BGH”), (a promoter company which is […]

EPA: Generic Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards for … Hydrogen Fluoride (Renewal)

Original notice online at SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has submitted an information collection request (ICR), NESHAP for Source Categories: Generic Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards for Acetal Resin; Acrylic and Modacrylic Fiber; Hydrogen Fluoride and Polycarbonate Production (EPA ICR Number 1871.11, OMB Control Number 2060-0420), to the Office of Management and Budget […]

WHO: Prevention and treatment of dental caries with mercury-free products and minimal intervention

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The World Health Organization (WHO) released the first of a new series of “briefing notes” on oral health advocating fluoride toothpaste, and other topical interventions, to reduce dental caries. There is no mention of fluoridation. On page 1v: Funding source: funds received from the WHO voluntary contributions from The Borrow […]

No fluoride in Wellington’s water for more than a month

Fluoride has been missing from Wellington’s water supply since February and treatment inconsistent for the past four years. Wellington Water made the decision to turn off the fluoride facilities – affecting Wellington, Upper Hutt, Porirua, Stokes Valley, and Manor Park – in February because of health and safety issues outlined in a report. They did […]

Osteosarcoma Incidence Highest in Black Patients

Note from Fluoride Action Network: Bassin et al., in a 2006 study, linked water fluoridation to osteosarcoma. Bassin found a statistically significant relationship between fluoride exposure during the 6th to 8th years of life (the “mid-childhood growth spurt”) and the later development of osteosarcoma among young males. There has been no refutation of Bassin’s study, […]

Dental Association ‘greatly alarmed’ after fluoridation turned off in Wellington

The review found low and inconsistent levels of fluoridation in the region’s water. Photo / 123rf The New Zealand Dental Association is “greatly alarmed” by fluoridation being stopped in Wellington and says the Government must intervene if a solution isn’t promptly sorted out. Wellington has been supplied with low and inconsistent levels of fluoridation in […]

A Konduru: Save us from death, kidney victims appeal

Highlights Patients of kidney diseases request the State government to provide at least free medicines A Konduru (Krishna): The victims of kidney ailments of various villages in A Konduru mandal staged a protest before the mandal revenue office here on Monday, appealing to the authorities to save them from death and help them to improve […]