
[Article in Russian]

Diseases of the oral cavity are considered as a health problem for the population of the whole world, in particular, Ukraine. Purpose of the study – to analyze the risk factors, legislative, financial, personnel support for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases of the population of Ukraine; to develop a national conceptual model for the organization of dental care. State statistics data, regulatory documents, scientific sources; methods of systems approach and analysis, conceptual modeling, graphic. A low standard of living is typical for 23.1% of the population of Ukraine; high levels of tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, sugar consumption, insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet are common in the population. Low fluoride content in drinking water is a threat to the development of caries. The legal regulation of oral health needs improvement. A national conceptual model of the organization of dental care has been developed on the basis of an analysis of world experience and WHO recommendations, the main components of the model are determined: improving geographical and financial accessibility; improving quality; preventive focus; state regulation. The world experience in the provision of dental care and the national characteristics of the health care system made it possible to substantiate and develop a conceptual model for organizing dental care for the population of Ukraine.

*Abstract online at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34248030/