Note from Fluoride Action Network:
Interesting that The New York Times found this story from Alaska compelling enough to produce an article on it by their journalist Michael Levenson who reports on political events. In publishing it, the paper reveals it’s shallowness on the issue of fluoride and water fluoridation. The paper  highlights at the top of the article “false claims about the safety of drinking fluoridated water, which have circulated for decades.”  The “expert” Levenson chose to quote is Jennifer Meyer, PhD, a pro-fluoridation professor from Alaska, who has joined in a smear campaign against Christine Till, PhD, who led the most important study on the neurotoxicity of fluoride for bottle-fed infants living in fluoridated communities. This study was funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Studies. See FAN’s press release on Meyer’s study that attempted to show increased caries afer Juneau stopped fluoridation, as well as her attempt to smear FAN. (EC)

Some local officials questioned whether Mayor Dave Bronson was motivated by false claims about the safety of drinking fluoridated water, which have circulated for decades.