Note:  Article in Russian, Abstract in Russian


The purpose of the publication was to present the materials of the Expert Council Consensus on ‘A Modern View on the Treatment and Preventive Effect of Fluoride Containing Personal Oral Care Products’, which took place on April 21, 2019 in Moscow (Russia) with the support of the pharmaceutical company JSC GlaskoSmitKlein Helsker. During the work of the expert council, a solution was developed for the safe use of fluoride-containing oral hygiene products as part of fluoride prevention of dental caries. In the real conditions of everyday life, it is advisable for dentists to: use local fluoride-containing agents to know the concentration of fluoride in drinking water and in areas with low and optimal levels of it; recommend fluorides for daily use in small concentrations, for example, for children from 2 years of age to brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for at least 3 minutes; children up to 6 years old, when brushing their teeth once, use no more than a pea-size piece of toothpaste with 500 ppm of fluoride; toothpastes with fluoride concentration from 500 to 5000 ppm should be admitted depending on the risk level of caries development; rinses with a fluoride concentration of 0.025-0.05% should be recommended for children from 6 years and adults twice a day for 1 minute after brushing teeth; for patients with a high risk of caries, periodically (from 2 to 6 times a year) to carry out applications with agents with high concentration of fluorides; for prolonging the effect of local fluorine-containing agents advise patients to refrain from eating and drinking for an hour after their use. Dentists should know the methods of fluoride use in dentistry, since fluoride prevention of caries should be an integral part of their therapeutic and preventive work.

*Abstract online at