Gifu Prefecture, Japan – In a shocking revelation, the government of Kakamigahara City in Gifu County, Japan, admitted on July 28th that a source of drinking water in the city had been found to contain excessive levels of organic fluoride three years ago. It far exceeded the standard by nearly 16 times, but the municipal government chose not to disclose this information to the public. Even more alarming, some of the contaminated water is still being supplied to citizens.

The news, reported by Japanese media outlets including Gifu Shimbun, quickly raised concerns about public health and transparency. Local officials stated on the 28th that they have yet to determine the cause behind the elevated levels of organic fluoride in the water source. The affected water source is situated near the Gifu base of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

This disclosure comes amidst other recent incidents of organic fluoride contamination in Japan, particularly linked to U.S. military installations across the country. In mid-July, it was confirmed by the Japanese government that the U.S. military stationed in Japan had acknowledged a leak of foam fire extinguishing agents containing organic fluorine compounds at its Yokota base in Tokyo’s Tama area. Nearby residents consequently reported excessive organic fluorine compound levels in their blood.

Experts have identified the Hengtian base as the primary source of pollution in the area, stating that it was “undoubtedly” responsible for the contamination. Shockingly, Japanese Defense Minister Yasuichi Hamada revealed on the 28th that the Ministry of Defense had been informed about the fire extinguishing agent leak by the U.S. military in 2019. However, it took an alarming four years before the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and other local authorities were made aware of the situation.

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The failure to disclose the excessive organic fluoride levels in Kakamigahara City’s water supply raises significant questions about public safety and the government’s responsibility to its citizens. Japanese citizens across the country are calling for greater transparency and accountability from the authorities.

The potential health impacts of organic fluoride exposure are of great concern. Prolonged exposure to high levels of fluoride has been linked to a range of adverse health effects, including dental and skeletal fluorosis, thyroid dysfunction, and neurological disorders. The long-term consequences of such contamination need to be thoroughly investigated to mitigate any potential harm to public health.

As the news of the concealed organic fluoride contamination spreads, citizens demand immediate action by the government. It is essential for authorities to prioritize public health and take swift measures to ensure the safety of the water supply. The people of Gifu County, and indeed Japan as a whole, deserve the truth and reassurance that steps are being taken to rectify this critical issue.

As the situation unfolds, concerns remain about other potential instances of undeclared contamination across Japan. The government must act swiftly to ensure proper monitoring and transparency to protect public health and prevent further environmental damage.

*Original full-text article online at: