Debate at Windsor city hall on whether to put fluoride back in the city’s water has been referred back to administration.

Doctors, dentists and residents both for and against the re-fluoridation of the drinking water were lined up as delegates for Monday’s council meeting.

But the debate will wait for another day.

Councillor Fred Francis requested a full report from administration. Francis also noted he wants to wait until after the provincial election to see if the messaging from the health minister changes.

Windsor shut off the fluoride for its water back in 2013.

The health unit released a report in April that states there has been an increase in oral health problems for children in Windsor-Essex.

The vice president of the Essex County Dental Society, Mark Parete, says there’s an undeniable connection between soaring cavity rates and de-fluoridation.

Medical Officer of Health Doctor Wajid Ahmed is calling on municipal politicians to look at the data review their decision.

*Original article online at

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